Champagne Problems

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Rebecca stayed closer to Loki than Sylvie as they walked up to the train station with a long line of people waiting to get on the train

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Rebecca stayed closer to Loki than Sylvie as they walked up to the train station with a long line of people waiting to get on the train.

"Well, this looks fun," Loki sarcastically commented, motioning to the long line of people.

"Come on," Sylvie said, walking along the long line.

"We can't fight our way onto the train," Rebecca told Sylvie.

"Who said anything about fighting?" Sylvie asked the agent in training.

"All your plans involve fighting," Rebecca replied, causing Sylvie to roll her eyes.

"Not this one. I'm going to enchant a guard, have him lead us through the crowd, and if anyone gives us any trouble," Sylvie started to whisper her plan to them.

"Make him start shooting? And then what, kill every guard and hijack the train?" Loki quickly asked.

"Whether or not there's a fight is entirely up to them," Sylvie said with a simple shrug.

"We're doing this one my way," Loki said, placing his hands on the two women. He swiftly moved to the middle of the two in a guard suit, "How do I look?"

"Like someone with a shit plan," Sylvie bluntly replied.

"What she said," Rebecca said, shaking her head.

"It's a great plan. Just follow my lead," Loki said, placing his hands on both of their arms and guiding them towards the platform.

"Let us in! They're only giving tickets out to the wealthy! What about us?" A woman yelled at the guards causing Rebecca to bite her lower lip feeling sorry for this planet and what was about to happen to them.

"Ticket?" the guard asked the two in front of them. Once they handed him the ticket the couple walked onto the train.

"Whoa! Hey!" The guard yelled as the three tried to enter the train.

"I'm taking these two to Shuroo," Loki said in a deeper voice than normal.

"Okay. and the tickets?" The guard asked.

"Orders come from the top to get these two on this train."

"Sir, this–" The guard started to say but Sylvie quickly stepped forward and placed a hand on his arm. She quickly stepped away as another guard walked over to them.

"Everything okay?" The guard asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Yeah, I just remembered that headquarters radioed in their request for them this morning," the guard replied.

"Okay," the guard muttered letting the trio walk onto the train.

The three walked through the train until they got to a cart that looked like the dining section. Rebecca felt people staring at the three as they walked to the open table. Once they got to a free table she slid into the booth along with Sylvie on her right of her facing the door. "Um, uh, look, I can't go backwards on a train," Loki told Sylvie.

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