Call It What You Want

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London, UK || 1977

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London, UK || 1977

The trio decided to look in London for Sylvie. Rebecca had chosen not to wear a suit like Loki and Mobius was wearing but a dress that was common in the 1970s. It was a dark green dress that had a gold fabric around her waist. Her hair was braided in case they had to fight her hair wouldn't get in the way though her heels might. She wondered if they would happen to run into any of her friends while they were in London or if any of them would be alive still.

"Thoughts?" Mobius asked as they walked through a time door into the non busy street of London.

"Sylvie is not here," Loki said looking around, causing Rebecca to sigh.

"We just got here," Mobius commented.

"It doesn't feel right," Rebecca said, agreeing with Loki.

"I know, but why?" Mobius questioned.

"In the past Sylvie has chosen apocalyptic areas," Loki commented.

"This seems to be the exact opposite to that," Rebecca added.

"Maybe she's changing tack. We got a hit on a TemPad that belonged to Hunter X-5 before it went dark," Mobius said, glancing over at Rebecca whose face fell at the mention of the Hunter's name.

Hunter X-5 was against the fact Rebecca switched roles as a worker of the TVA and had verbally harassed her from the moment she put the papers in to start training as an analyst. Mobius luckily stepped in once he heard the hunter actually saying some hurtful things to Rebecca and took her under his wing making sure no one would do that to her again.

"If the TemPad went dark, then she found him first," Loki commented.

"Let's hope so," Rebecca muttered, causing Loki to raise his eye at her as she walked ahead of the two.

Loki looked at Mobius as if he was asking for an explanation of her statement, "Bad history with him. Just be glad I stepped in when I did because maybe you would have never met Rebecca if she listened to the man."

Loki frowned and felt his blood boil as the three entered the group of fans outside a movie theater. Rebecca noticed a door was open on the side of the main entrance where the three snuck in.

"X-5 is an actor now?" Loki asked.

"Or he's undercover," Mobius commented, causing Rebecca to roll her eyes.

"Looks pretty real to me," Loki stated as they walked through the crowd of people that were dressed up and Rebecca assumed that they were other actors in the movie.

Rebecca's face fell as she saw Hunter X-5 talking to new reporter's ahead of them. "Now, I think Becca, you stay behind with Loki since you have history with him–" Mobius said, turning to the two.

"Why?" Rebecca questioned looking at him.

"In case you go all Loki on him," Mobius said.

Rebecca and Loki raised their eyes at the comment, "All Loki? What does that mean?" Loki questioned.

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