under control

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Allison was having a lazy day with Kai. Kai seemed to like OB and the dog followed him around the house, just wanting to play with him.She was teaching him about the time he had missed and they watch a lot of movies and listened to music.
Later that night they went to the Abrams for dinner. Ally introduced Kai to them and they all were enjoying the night together.  Kai thought that he would be jealous, but he felt that they could be friends at the end of the night.

Stefan does pull-ups in his bedroom. Damon comes in with a glass of blood and makes a snarky comment about his loud music. Damon asks him how long it took him to wean off of it the last time he drank human blood, and Stefan just ignores him. "That's not good," Damon snarks. "I'll be fine; it just takes a little bit of time", Stefan retorts. Damon reminds him that he doesn't have to kill to survive, and tells him that he hasn't hunted a human in way too long. "

Stefan repeats that he has his reasons, and Damon again asks him what his reasons are. Stefan turns the question around on him, and asks him if he enjoys watching him struggle. Damon admits that he is, very much so. Stefan states that he has everything under complete control, and Damon humors him, telling him to continue making all the other vampires look bad. He gets up to leave the room, and leaves his glass of blood on the table just long enough that Stefan begins to consider drinking it, when Damon returns for the glass, and takes a deep swig in front of him before swanning off again.

Meanwhile, at the Gilbert house, Elena is urging Jeremy to hurry up as she walks out the door to go to school when a man walks up and says, "Elena!" with a smile. Elena says hello and identifies the man as her Uncle John Gilbert.  "So, really, how long are you staying?" John asks her to at least pretend to be happy that he's there, and she tries briefly before verbally giving up. John skips the jokes and asks her if she really thought that he was going to sign the papers and send them back. When Jenna says that she did, he tells her firmly that he's not going to allow her to sell his brother's medical office. Jenna reminds him that the property belongs to Jeremy and Elena, not them, and that it isn't up to either of them, but John goes on to remind her that since they're minors, the estate's trustee gets the final say, which is him.

Matt and Elena are in the hallway talking about how Uncle John is back. Matt admits that he never really liked him, and Elena says that no one does. Matt assures her that he's here for moral support if she needs him. Elena responds that she'll handle it, and that he's been through enough. The subject changes to Vicki, and Matt thanks her for everything she's done for Vicki's funeral and the memorial, and confesses that he would never have been able to do it without her.

Damon arrives at the Founder's Hall for the Council meeting. Sheriff Forbes updates the Council on the death of Vicki Donovan: the coroner's office officially ruled Vicki Donovan's death as a drug overdose. John comes forward to report that a hospital blood bank in nearby Amherst has reported several break-ins over the past two weeks, and in addition, seven hunters, four campers and two state park employees have been reported missing as well within a 75 mile radius of Mystic Falls. Damon whispers to Sheriff Forbes to ask her who John is, and she explains that he is Elena and Jeremy's uncle, and says that though his name is John, she prefers to call him "Jackass."

Alaric is informing Elena that Jeremy has been writing several papers on vampires in Mystic Falls. Elena is in shock that Jeremy wrote something like that, and Alaric tries to reassure her that Jeremy told him that he didn't believe any of it was real. Elena replies that she hopes he is right, because she's done too much already to protect him from the supernatural world. Alaric gives Elena a look, and finally asks her how she deals with the lies and secrets surrounding Stefan and Damon being vampires, since she's lying to everyone she cares about. Elena explains that it's not safe for Jeremy, or Jenna, or her friends to know the truth. She says she doesn't like keeping things from them, but is willing to do it if it keeps them safe.

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