uh oh, im falling in love

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y/n's pov:
that night i couldn't sleep . that date showed me just how beautiful love is. With Katie is was whenever she had time. whenever she wanted something. with alexia it's when we can. when we want to. i reach over to grab my phone .


i text alexia . i know she will probably be sleeping by now but she can read it in the morning.

y/n: i need to talk to you.

let me know when your awake.

it's nothing bad <3

i knew the dreaded thing to hear when your in love with a person is "we need to talk" it normally indicates "this is over" or "this isn't right" where as this conversation would be either the best day of my life or ruin my career by the end.

Alexia's pov:
i wake up that morning to the sunlight in my eyes. i groan. narla looks up at me with her "let me outside" eyes. i grab my phone and head downstairs to let her into the garden. while she's outside i check my phone to see 3 messages from y/n

y/n: i need to talk to you

she says it's nothing bad but my heart is racing

alexia: i'm up, i'm free
whenever your ready
to "talk" :)

i try to hide the obvious fear i have that she's gonna run again. but a message comes through quickly.

y/n: come over now ? if i
don't say it now i never
will 💕

fear runs through me. what won't she tell me ?

alexia : on my way 💕

i get to her house and knock at the door. she quickly opens it "hey pretty girl" she says smiling . i don't even have time to respond when she grabs my hand and pulls me inside. "sit down." she says smiling .

i do as she says when she leans closer to me . she straddles my lap. "wow, what's going on ?" i ask her "i want you to be mine." she tells me. i smirk "will you be my girlfriend alexia?"

a heat rises through my body. "i would never turn that down." i say i tuck hair behind her ears as she leans in to kiss me pushing my back against the sofa. her mouth goes to my neck as a breathy moan comes out of my mouth. "y/n.." i say "y/n wait." i tell her.

she quickly stops what she's doing "i'm sorry. are you uncomfortable?" she asks. "no no. i just think our first time should be after a date. maybe we take a walk and then we get to my house and you kiss me and we say "i love you." for the first time. then i drag you inside ." i say picturing the moment "so you have it planned?" she asks "i do."

she quickly kiss "how about we burn that shirt now? so it can just be me and you forever." i tell her . she realises we never did "yes absolutely"

y/n's pov:
we drive back to her house when she runs to the laundry room. "here" she says handing my exs shirt to me . MCCABE 15. my heart sinks a little . "your okay." she tells me . she pour some gasoline into the fire pit and squeezes my hand. i throw the shirt in and watch it burn.

"Alexia .." i mutter "yes bonita?" "i love you.." i tell her. the three letter word lingers in the air "well.. i guess our first time won't go like that then?" she asks smiling "well it could.. i said i love you outside your house for the first time."

she looks at my lips and pulls me in for a kiss "i love you too." she mumbles against my lips. she kiss quickly gets heated as she pulls me inside. she rips off her jacket as she pulls my shirt over my head. she guided me to the bedroom right away throwing me onto the bed gently as she began to climb on top of me.

alexia's pov:
we lay beside each other breathing heavily as the euphoria of what just happened rips through our bodies . i'm quick to grab y/n's hand and roll over to face her "are you okay baby?" i ask her . she nods trying to catch her breath "are you?" she asks . i smile. "with you i'm always okay."

my legs feel tingly as i stand up. "where are you going?" she asks me "i'm gonna go run us a bath"

she looks at me with confusion "us?" she asks "yes. we bathe together tonight." i say with a smile. while the bath runs i sit beside her helping her to sit up too. she leans into me resting her head on my shoulder. "i love you." she tells me "and i love you."

we reach in for a quick kiss as i grab her hand and assist her to standing. i guide her to the bathroom. i check the water temperature and it's perfect. i sit down in the bath and open my arms for her to join me. she sits between my legs her back resting against my front as my arms wrap around her.

"i've never done this before." she says. "i'm glad to be the first then." i say pressing a kiss into the back of her head.

she quickly relaxes against me as i suggested it's time to get out . i wrap us both in a night gown before walking to the bed. "good night baby" i tell her "goodnight love."

my world champion // Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now