Dont wanna be me

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That morning I woke up , a pressure on my chest.
I looked down to alexia sleeping peacefully , it must have been her first sleep since the breakup . She's completely knocked out . I stroked my hands through her hair missing the feeling . She started to stir as she made a small groan. "Keep doing that.." she mumbled. "I have to go now alexia." I told her . She looked up at me "sorry I'll leave." She jumped up grabbing her stuff heading for the door. I grabbed her wrist . "I miss you. Don't be a stranger alexia. I'm sure we'll find our way back."  I tell her. The nod shows me she's in hope of it . "I have pre match media today. Maybe you could come?" I say

"My flight leaves at 3, when is it?" My heart sinks knowing this is it. "Oh.. it's at 2:30." I tell her . She nods . She strokes my cheek. She gives me a knowing smile as tears well in her eyes quickly heading for the door before they fall.


"Y/n, they're ready. Are you coming?" Gareth asks. I scan the room for a pair of familiar eyes hoping she came and changed her flight. She didn't. I nodded and walked in the room.

I sat down shaking my leg under the table. "So y/n what's the tactics for your upcoming game against Chelsea tomorrow?" "Well obviously there a very dominant team, I think we have to work hard to try outsmart them. We have to stick together, be very alert and know where the ball is at all times."

They nod happy with my answer before the next interviewer stands up . Suddenly everything goes quiet . There's a loud ringing in my ears and i suddenly realise I can't be here. I stand up and run out the door "y/n?" I hear faintly . Tears stream my face as I run to my car .

I understand this is very unprofessional but I can't take this anymore. I have to leave. I have to get away.

I drive my car straight to the airport not even thinking of the consequences. I run through the doors as tears steam my face. What have I done?

I see a familiar figure walking towards gate 12. "ALEXIA" I yell. She swings around quicker than ever . I run towards her as she drops her bags. I run into the arms i call home. I sob into her neck.

She eventually gets me to calm down . I look at her lips and kiss her. I feel her melt into the kiss . The kiss is gentle yet passionate. Full of love, sorrow and joy. I pulled always slowly "I love you alexia. Can you take me back ?" I ask. Her face lights up with a smile. "I'm already yours baby." She pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

'Gate 12 closes in 5 minutes. Please ensure you board your plane now.'

"Go." I tell her "I'll get on the first flight tomorrow."
She stares at my face "but.. your job" I shake my head "you're more important. The seasons almost over . I'll ask for some personal time for mental health. He won't say no."

She smiles . "I love you." "I love you too." And with one more kiss she's through the gate. I sigh heavily knowing the phone buzzing in my back pocket is about to destroy a lot of things. But I know it's for the better

my world champion // Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now