Chapter 2

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As Advik left the ballroom, his palms were fisted, and his eyes looked like he could murder someone. Sanjay knew he was controlling himself but also knew it was not just anger. He quickly strode towards the car and opened the backdoor for Advik. As soon as he settled, the fleet of cars left the premises of Ocean Heaven. Advik sitting in the car looked outside the window, he cleaned his hand like he was cleaning touch of that girl. He was still disgusted to female species on Earth, and then he saw towards Sanjay, and said, "To base 24 and make sure no doctor would treat that girl's hand."
Hearing his command, Sanjay knew what was coming next; now it was his turn to face the consequences of opening his mouth. Base 24 was Advik's den in this city to train his escorts and imprison his culprits. He never believed in law and always punished his criminals in his dens.

When they reached base 24, it was exuding an atmosphere of focused determination and professionalism as escorts engaged in comprehensive training to hone their skills. The facility was equipped with state-of-the-art resources, and the sound of their instructors providing guidance, and the hum of collaborative learning echoed there, creating a dynamic setting where participants immerse themselves in a diverse range of scenarios.

As Advik entered, silence filled the air and everyone bowed and greeted him with respect. Everyone knew the night was going to be long. Reaching the boxing area he ordered Sanjay and Vikram to enter the boxing ring and Vikram smirked, Sanjay cursed him, he knew it was amusing for Vikram because he was the best fighter after Advik. Sanjay unwantedly wore gloves, he wanted to wear headgear and mouthguard but one glare from Advik and entered the ring with gloves only. He displayed prowess in the early rounds of the boxing ring, but as the match unfolded, the tides turned, revealing a gradual decline in his performance and a growing vulnerability to Vikram's relentless onslaught. He had less stamina than Vikram. After one hour, Sanjay was exhausted and well-beaten by Vikram's punches. Advik turned from there toward the exit and shouted to Sanjay, "Continue it for the next three hours. And next time, if you use the same tactic, it will be me in place of Vikram."

Sanjay realized he needed to abandon his mission of thinking Advik to move on, as Advik's threats were consistently credible and not to be taken lightly.

Advik reached his AR Estate which was nestled within sprawling acres, the immense estate exuded an air of opulence, every luxury under the same roof, its grandeur accentuated by the high-tech fortress it had become, under constant vigilance with guards on duty 24/7. A symphony of modern technology guarded its borders with unwavering precision. Surveillance cameras, discreetly positioned, tracked every movement, while infrared sensors stood sentinel, detecting even the faintest intrusion. Impenetrable electronic barriers seamlessly blended with the landscape, forming an invisible shield against unauthorized access. Access controls, utilizing cutting-edge biometrics, further fortified the perimeter. This amalgamation of technological prowess transformed the estate into a sanctuary of security, where the marriage of luxury and state-of-the-art protection created an enclave shielded from the outside world.

Advik's anger still smoldered beneath the surface, a relentless force that had yet to subside. So, he strode towards his gym and started to punch the punching bag. It was not just his anger but the agony of losing Nivedita. He unleashed a torrent of controlled fury upon the punching bag, each powerful strike echoing with the intensity of his pent-up anger, his muscles rippling and sweat glistening as he channeled his dominance into precise, forceful blows. At last, the bag broke and Advik saw his knuckles were bleeding. But he did not feel any pain. Tina's words were still echoing in his ears, "She must have prayed to God to free her from you." he shouted at the top of his voice, "Arghhhhh". The whole gym vibrated with his roar but it was soundproof, so no one outside it could hear him. He wanted to ask Nivedita if did she not love him and wanted even to die to get rid of him. But he could not get his answers and his pain, helplessness, and suffocation intensified. But God also wanted to answer his all questions very soon.....

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