Chapter 16

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❀❀Next Morning❀❀

Advik was getting ready for his meeting that was going to take place at AR Empire Head Quarters and before it he had to sign the AR Legal guidance to Sanjay, so he got ready for office early in the morning.

As Advik left his room, he proceeded towards  staircase with a whirlwind of tailored perfection. Polished marble floors gleamed beneath his Italian leather shoes, the faint scent of his signature cologne trailing behind him.

His breakfast, arranged on dinning table and an impeccably attired coterie of maids, their crisp uniforms whispering of extravagance, stood arrayed like a silent battalion. Yet, their meticulously made-up faces, though sculpted into expressions of unwavering devotion, couldn't entirely mask the tremor of apprehension that flickered in their eyes. Advik, a force of nature in a bespoke suit, swept past them with an indifference that bordered on disdain.

Descending the grand staircase, his gaze, sharp as a diamond chip, snagged on Sanjay, who was already standing by dining table waiting for him as usual. A curt nod was the only acknowledgment Advik offered before striding towards the doorway without having breakfast.

Saveeta, the head maid, a woman seasoned by years of silent servitude, watched him with a tremor in her rheumy eyes. Fear, as palpable as the plush Persian rugs lining the hallway, clung to her. Fueled by concern for his well-being, though fully aware of the potential repercussions of crossing her limits, she stood before him with trembling hands, her heart racing as she gathered the courage to intervene. She knew that Advik hadn't touched a morsel in two days, so despite the palpable tension in the hall and the silent stares of the other servants, she took a deep breath and spoke, her barely whispering voice trembling but resolute and holding the faintest thread of defiance, "Sir, please, you must eat something. It's been two days..." The words caught in her throat, choked by the chilling glint in Advik's eyes, his silent presence suffocating. He swept past her, leaving a hollow echo in his wake. Sanjay, his sigh laced with weary resignation, followed behind.

Outside, the driveway was a testament to Advik's opulence. A fleet of Rolls-Royce Cullinans, each a fortress of sleek black steel and bulletproof glass, flanked the front and rear was ready for him like always. Sanjay, with practiced ease, opened the rear passenger door for him.

Advik settled into the plush leather interior, the car exuding the subtle aroma of wealth and power. Sanjay occupied the passenger seat, while Vikram, who was already waiting for them, navigated the Maybach S-Class out of the estate.

Their journey to headquarters was a blur of manicured landscapes and guarded gates. As they reached the imposing glass edifice that housed Advik's empire, the fleet of his cars glided to a halt. With the practiced grace of a predator, Advik emerged, his entourage a silent testament to the aura of dominance he effortlessly wielded. 

As Advik stepped into the VIP elevator, the sleek doors sliding shut behind him, Vikram halted Sanjay with a subtle hand gesture. The tension in the air was palpable as Vikram's eyes bore into Sanjay's, silently demanding answers.

"Sanjay, the files," Vikram's voice was hushed, urgency lacing his words. "Are they ready?" Sanjay's throat tightened, a bead of sweat forming at his brow. He nodded slowly, his gaze flickering nervously towards the closed elevator doors. "Yes, they're prepared. But..." he trailed off, a knot of apprehension tightening in his stomach.

"But what?" Vikram pressed, his tone tinged with concern and a hint of fear.

Sanjay swallowed hard, steeling himself before continuing. "I can't let Advik sign them. He called me... he said HE IS COMING."

Vikram's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of dread crossing his features. "He did? But that's..." He shook his head, unable to voice the looming threat that hung in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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