Chapter 15

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Enjoy the chapter😊!

❀❀Advik's Office, Two Days Before the Transfer of Power❀❀

The flickering flames of the fireplace danced across Advik's face as he sat in his study, an air of quiet contemplation surrounding him. The soft rustle of parchment filled the room as he sifted through documents, his mind consumed by thoughts with how to execute his final plan. He heard footsteps from a far, approaching his study room, and he recognized it.

"Enter," he called out without looking up, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. Instantly, the heavy wooden door creaked open, and Vikram entered, his presence announced by the soft shuffle of his footsteps.

"Mr. Rathore."

Advik raised his eyes, a silent command that spoke volumes to Vikram, conveying his authority without the need for words, and say, and he took a seat without a word spoken.

Advik's gaze locked onto Vikram's as he spoke, his voice low and commanding. "Make the grave beside Vedant's ready," he instructed, his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. "But I want you to make a modification."

Vikram's heart skipped a beat at the ominous tone in Advik's voice, "Of course, Mr. Rathore," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He knew that the grave had been specifically connected to Vedant's inside his tomb by Advik for Ms. Shreya years ago.

Advik's eyes gleamed with an intensity that shivered Vikram's heart. "Dig the grave deeper than usual," he continued, his words measured and deliberate. "And create a small opening, like a window, between the grave and the outside world. I want a connection, that transcends life and death..."

A chill crept down Vikram's spine at the realization of Advik's macabre intentions. His master's cruelty knew no bounds, and in that moment, Vikram felt as though he stood in the presence of a true devil incarnate, his mind raced with questions.

What had Shreya now done to incur Advik's such wrath?

What darkness lurked beneath the surface of his master's order?

But fear gripped his tongue, sealing his lips shut as he nodded in silent obedience, wondering what other horrors lay in store, lurking beneath the surface of Advik's cold, unyielding facade and what horrors awaited Shreya in the depths of that cold, unforgiving grave.

"Vikram," Advik again commanded,

Vikram said, "Yes sir," his attention fully focused on Advik's words.

"Monitor everyone closely, any suspicious activity and wipe them off. Every enemy will not rest while he sense a shift in power. They'll be prowling like wolves, waiting to strike. But you won't give them the satisfaction."
Vikram nodded and said, "Okay Mr. Rathore, I'll start our usual strategy."

Advik pointed his finger to stop and said, "No, let's have some fun first with their brains. I do not want them to bring directly to hell, but make thier journey to it, a memorable one. For this, I want to  You'll hit them where it hurts the most – their networks, their influence, and their assets. It won't be a straightforward attack. You'll play the game on your terms, manipulating their boards to our advantage. But you would follow certain rules.

First, you need to disrupt their communication channels. I want you to initiate a series of cyber attacks, targeting their servers and encryption protocols. Make it seem like a coordinated strike from a rival faction. Precisely. While they're busy scrambling to contain the chaos, you'll execute phase two – a strategic disinformation campaign. Leak their secrets and hidden evidences implicating key figures in their organizations. Plant seeds of doubt and discord within their ranks. But you won't stop there. You'll leverage our connections in the underworld to stage a series of high-profile heists, targeting their most valuable assets. It'll be chaos- orchestrated chaos. And after that bring them to me I'll put final nails in their coffins by myself.

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