Chapter 10

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 (The lines that are in italics are Advik's past)

Ashoke started to tell the story of a boy to Nivedita,

"Well this story started about three decades ago, when the Rathore family held a position of great prestige in India, with no rivals capable of defeating them in business. The pinnacle of their success was achieved through the cunning efforts of my father, Purshottam Rathore. However, he used every devious means available to secure the family's top position, including abandoning me, his own child, to protect his reputation as the family patriarch. Publicly, he acknowledged only one son, Vinay Rathore, who, unlike his father, was a good and honorable man. Vinay later married his childhood sweetheart, Vrinda, who hailed from another influential business family. Vrinda, a calm and noble soul, endeared herself to everyone in the Rathore family, managing their affairs with love and care.

Two years into their marriage, tragedy struck when Vrinda died during childbirth, leaving behind a baby boy named Vedant Rathore. Her death cast a shadow over the Rathore family, and Vinay, grieving the loss of his life's love, became emotionally distant, even from his own son. Despite his sorrow, Purshottam Rathore, saddened by his daughter-in-law's death, tried his best to bring joy to his grandson Vedant.

Vedant, a reflection of his mother's kindness and understanding, longed for the warmth of a mother despite the luxuries surrounding him. Recognizing his grandson's silent suffering, Purshottam suggested multiple times that Vinay should remarry for Vedant's sake, but Vinay consistently refused.

Five years later, to everyone's surprise, Vinay introduced Kritika to the Rathore Mansion as his wife. Purshottam was taken aback when he saw a three-year-old boy named Advik Rathore with her. Vinay proudly declared Advik as his son, making Vedant overjoyed at the prospect of having a mother and a baby brother. Kritika, sharing many similarities with Vrinda in her habits, brought a renewed sense of happiness to the Rathore Mansion. Although she was more innocent than Vrinda, Kritika embraced her role with love, creating a harmonious and joyful atmosphere once again.

On the other hand, Purshottam Rathore harbored a deep-seated hatred for Kritika from the very first moment he laid eyes on her. Despite this, he kept his animosity hidden due to Vinay and Vedant's happiness. However, behind their backs, he consistently displayed his resentment and anger toward the innocent three-year-old baby, Advik Rathore. While he loved Vedant, Purshottam always pushed away Advik, negatively impacting the young and innocent child's heart. Despite the harmful influence on Advik, Purshottam Rathore refused to relent in tarnishing the child's heart.

After conducting a thorough background check on Kritika, Purshottam Rathore discovered that following Vrinda's death, Vinay had been frequenting a club, indulging in nightly bouts of alcohol-induced revelry. One fateful night, in a drunken stupor, Vinay collapsed unconscious on the road, and it was an orphaned girl named Kritika who saved his life. Vinay, captivated by Kritika's beauty, began meeting her regularly. Living alone and working to support herself, Kritika found herself the recipient of Vinay's excessive care, and the poor, innocent girl fell in love with him.

After a year of being together, Kritika became pregnant with Vinay's child. When she shared the news with him, Vinay, acting like a coward, insisted that she abort the baby. However, Kritika, a resilient woman, refused to comply. In a move reminiscent of his father Purshottam Rathore, Vinay abandoned the pregnant and helpless girl, leaving her to face the challenges alone.

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