Chapter 6

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(The lines that are in italics are entries from Nivedita's diary)

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Since the day I learned about my family's history, I've struggled with trust issues, but Advik's actions are gradually easing my insecurities. He cares for me deeply, disproving my beliefs that he's incapable of love. His gesture of giving me caramel candies after dinner,despite his aversion to sweets, fills my heart with sweetness.I mean com'on he is one of the biggest business tycoons of the world who is famous for making others life hell, how come he carries candies for me in his pockets like a kid.

Advik, a renowned business tycoon, surprises me by teaching me new things like playing the guitar and video games. He's an expert in playing musical instruments, showcasing a side I never expected from "The Advik Robot." My thoughts now center around my unborn baby and Advik, though insecurities about the baby's future persist.

Despite lingering doubts, Advik's eyes offer reassurance that he'll protect our child. However, thoughts about his engagement with Navya and another mysterious girl add complexity to my already troubled mind.Yearning for peace, sometimes I consider confessing my feelings to Advik.

Today when I went out of Estate with Merry and Jenny, Navya came to meet me. I don't want to even see her face because seeing her face, I recalls red rashes on Advik's back when she threw soup at me and also she is his fiancee and it's also not a pleasant thing for my already disturbed mind. But whom I was kidding she is an idiot who even could not get my gestures for her to leave me alone.

Later when Navya informed me about the news of Advik's Gramps planning her wedding, I realized her motive was to threaten me into leaving him. How can I leave him when my heart belongs to him and also he is the father of my baby. I won't compromise any longer for anyone now; I'll stand by Advik, confess my true feelings, and face the challenges for him, our baby, and myself.

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I am writing after a month, and I couldn't meet my secret best friend due to Advik's constant presence. Throughout the month, he never left my side. My health hasn't been great; I can't eat without vomiting, and my energy is drained. Advik's constant concern makes it seem like he regrets making me pregnant. However, I understand that pregnancy comes with challenges, and I'm enduring it for my baby. Each moment of suffering brings me closer to my unborn child. In the past five months, I've formed a connection with my baby that feels otherworldly, and now I realize it's called Motherhood.

I have a lot to share with you, my diary. Last month, when I decided to express my feelings to Advik, I was sincere. However, his reaction left me feeling vulnerable, like a sharp knife cutting through my heart. That day, I concluded that the misunderstandings between us might never be resolved in this lifetime.
That day, after Advik returned and sat beside me following dinner, I asked him about his plans to marry Navya. My question surprised him, as I had never shown interest in such matters. However, I couldn't convey my fear of his possible response - what if he was indeed planning to marry?
How would I handle my emotions?
In response, he asked, "Why are you asking me? Do you have any issues with me marrying someone else?"

I sensed he was provoking me to confess my feelings. Summoning my courage, I shared my emotions with him. Initially, he was ecstatic, lifting me like a baby, twirling me, and kissing me passionately. However, what transpired afterward filled my heart with sadness and regret. I questioned if I should have found the strength to confess, only to be met with disbelief. His request for validation through a lie detector machine added a cruel layer to my sorrow - a stark reminder that my deepest emotions were subjected to technological scrutiny for him to believe their authenticity.

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