Chapter 7

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A girl leaned against the balcony railing, cradling a warm cup of coffee in her delicate hands. The first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, casting a gentle glow over the serene landscape. The rhythmic melody of bird song filled the air, a harmonious symphony echoing through the stillness of the forest.

Dressed in a simple yet elegant Indian suit, the girl embodied grace amidst nature's splendor. The vibrant colors of her attire mirrored the blooming flowers that adorned the landscape around her. A gentle breeze tousled her hair, framing her face like a soft halo, and the morning sunlight kissed her cheeks, enhancing her natural radiance.

As she took a sip of her coffee, a genuine smile graced her lips. However, a subtle sadness lingered in her eyes, betraying a deeper emotion beneath her cheerful exterior. It was a look that spoke of a heart missing its counterpart, a love lost but not forgotten.

The river flowed gently below, mirroring the azure sky above. Her cozy house, nestled against the backdrop of the forest, felt like a sanctuary in the embrace of nature. The warmth of the coffee, the soothing rustle of leaves, and the symphony of birdlife created a moment frozen in time.

Lost in her contemplation, she gazed across the river, her thoughts carried away by the current. As the sun ascended, painting the world in golden hues, she whispered a silent longing for the one missing from her side.

A woman in her late fifties also stepped onto the balcony, joining the girl. Gently, she caressed the younger one's hair. The girl met the older lady's gaze with a smile, yet the deep-seated sorrow in Her eyes remained elusive to no avail, escaping the scrutiny of the old lady's experienced eyes.

Suddenly, girl's eyes lit up with curiosity. Turning to the lady, as if breaking the silence, she asked, "Did you know Rita Maa that birds have regional accents just like humans? Each group of birds in different areas develops its unique way of chirping. It's like nature has its own language, don't you think?" Her question hung in the air, inviting Rita to share in the enchantment of the world she inhabited.

The girl looked down with wide-eyed curiosity as Rita settled into the hammock. Rita smiled warmly at the girl, "Yes, my dear Nivedita. Nature is a wondrous language of its own. Birds, like us, express themselves in ways deeply rooted in where they come from. It's a beautiful symphony, each note carrying the essence of their home. Just like how Nivik and Vikita carry the spirit of your and that person's roots in their heart, for whom your eyes are wet." She paused, her love evident in every word. "And you, my darling, have your own unique melody that makes our this small home even more beautiful."

Nivedita met Rita's gaze with a soft smile, appreciating the comforting words. "Thank you, Rita Maa," she replied gently. "Nature truly is a beautiful symphony. It's like a healing melody that helps us find strength in every note. Nivik and Vikita bring so much joy, and their hearts are a reflection of the love we carry within our family. I cherish the melodies they bring into our lives." She paused, a hint of gratitude in her eyes. "And you, Rita Maa, have been a soothing tune in our journey. Your wisdom and warmth add a beautiful harmony to our days."

Rita Maa's eyes softened, and she warmly responded, "Oh, my dear Nivedita, you never need to thank a mother for love. It flows naturally from our hearts to our children. As for Nivik and Vikita, their joy is a testament to the beautiful family you've created."

She hesitated briefly before continuing, "It's been nearly three years, my dear. When will you share the stories of their papa with them? Little hearts are resilient, and love can mend even the deepest wounds."

A mischievous twinkle appeared in her eyes as she added playfully, "But let's not dwell on that now. Two little devils, Nivik and Vikita, are about to wake up. Hurry to their room before they turn the morning into a lively chaos. We can discuss the rest later, my sweet."

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