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A subtle warmth embraced her surroundings.

The smell of sandalwood invaded her senses as she rolled over peacefully.

Her tranquillity was shattered by an unsettling awareness.

Even before consciousness fully reclaimed her, she sensed the prickling discomfort of a gaze fixed upon her.

Beneath closed eyelids, she gathered her bearings, the delicate dance of intuition guiding her.

Instincts, honed by a life of navigating shadows, stirred within her.

She couldn't reach for the knife in her pocket without alerting whoever was watching her to the fact she was awake.

The room, bathed in darkness, seemed to hold its breath as though in anticipation of an unseen presence.

Her eyes flickered open, but she remained perfectly still, feigning the serenity of uninterrupted sleep.

The silence hung heavy, and she could almost taste the tension in the air.

Breathing deliberately slow, she listened to the rhythmic cadence of her own breath, maintaining the illusion of slumber.

The intensity of the unseen gaze persisted in a blaze that seared through the tranquil calm of the room.

She felt the weight of it, like an invisible hand pressing against her consciousness.

Her mind raced, contemplating the possibilities.

Friend or foe?

Then, as swiftly as a falcon diving from the sky, the oppressive feeling dissipated.

The atmosphere, once charged with an unseen force, released its grip.

The abrupt opening and closing of distant doors resonated through the space, breaking the quietude like a sudden gust of wind.

Footsteps followed, their measured pace echoing down the hallway.

She strained her ears, catching the subtle sounds of bare feet against the concrete floor.

The moment the weight of the unseen gaze lifted, she snapped her eyes open, the brown orbs scanning the room with a swift intensity.

Jumping up from her lying position she stared at every dark corner of the room.

The stillness persisted, undisturbed by the mysterious observer, but now a new puzzle unfolded before her.

Why was someone in the room?

As she shifted on the couch, a soft rustle caught her attention.

Turning her head, she discovered a familiar grey blanket draped over her form, its comforting weight a stark contrast to the lingering tension in the air.

Her blanket.

From her room.

That she had left half on the bed and half on the floor.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as a chill ran down her spine.

Curiosity guiding her, she swung her legs over the side of the couch and allowed her bare feet to meet the cool surface of the floor.

Glancing around the room, she noticed the faint imprint of someone's presence—a subtle rearrangement of objects, a trace left behind.

Her eyes narrowed as she saw a small white object on the ground near her feet.

The Mouse and The MonarchWhere stories live. Discover now