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The heavy oak door creaked softly as they entered Dimitri's dimly lit office.

It was far too extravagant for her liking, but Ophelia was never one to judge.

Large glass windows stretched from floor to ceiling, revealing a panoramic view of the city lights below.

The glow of distant skyscrapers painted an ethereal backdrop against the darkening sky.

He was so comfortable in his little cage.

In his power.

He couldn't possibly think she could be a threat.

He was an idiot.

Her penetrating gaze swept across the room, meticulously dissecting every detail.

The air was filled with the faint scent of aged alcohol and cigars.

The absence of cameras told her the room was also soundproof.

Both of those were good, but it also meant König couldn't see her anymore and her team would have to rely on her.

As the door clicked shut, the sound of Dimitri turning the lock echoed through the room, sealing them inside.

She moved with deliberate grace, a panther stalking through the shadows.

The subtle echo of her heels on the polished hardwood floor resonated across the otherwise silent space.

The dim light played upon the curves of her figure, revealing glimpses of a carefully concealed allure.

Seating herself at his imposing desk, letting the cold wood touch her bare skin, she made a conscious decision to let her heels dangle just above the floor.

He wanted to see her as meek and innocent.

"I've always wanted to see your office. I can't believe you get this view every day. Is this the looking out to the Southside of the city?" she asked in her fake soft accent.

Dimitri smirked as he began to unbutton the top of his shirt.

"North of it, gorgeous," he said with a grin as he looked her over.

A seductive smirk crossed her lips.

She knew she was wrong, but she also needed to make sure he didn't see her as a threat.

Boosting his ego was good, but the whole point of saying it was so that her team knew she was there.

"Copy," she heard König voice in her ear and she was almost positive she could hear him walking.


He was running.

She couldn't think about it as she turned her gaze to the man in front of her.

Her fingers traced the edge of the polished mahogany, feeling the cool surface beneath her skin.

The air between them crackled with tension as she waited.

Dimitri, a silhouette in the shadows, began to move.

The soft shuffle of his footsteps betrayed an air of confidence, a man accustomed to navigating the intricate web that defined his world.

He hadn't met her yet.

And she was a spider.

The glow of the city outside filtered through the tinted windows, casting fleeting highlights on his sharp features.

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