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The dimly lit room hummed with the distant whirr of electricity, casting elongated shadows across the concrete walls.

Noël's heart raced as he lay beneath Ophelia's hips, his eyes locked onto hers, a turbulent sea that seemed to swirl with a blend of resolve and desire.

Straddling his waist, Ophelia's silhouette was a captivating dance against the soft glow of flickering overhead lights.

Her fingers traced the intricate patterns of the gear that adorned his chest, her hot touch sending shivers through his body.

She knew the effect she had on him, could see it every time she touched him.

But she wanted more.

The hood concealed his face, a barrier between vulnerability and exposure.

He fidgeted beneath her, torn between desire and reservation.

He wanted to please her.

She could see it.

He desperately wanted to take it off for her.

But he looked almost nervous.

Her brown eyes, intense and unwavering, held him captive.

They were pools of warmth, swirling with unspoken promises and secrets.

Noël's uncertainty manifested in the restless fidgeting beneath her as if trying to escape.

"Noël," she whispered delicately, the sound hanging in the air like a delicate melody.

There was a plea in her voice, a vulnerability that echoed his own.

His name escaped her lips like a prayer, and he moaned in response, the sound a raw admission of the desire that simmered beneath the surface.

No longer able to tear his gaze away, his eyes roamed over her face, capturing every nuance of emotion that played across her features.

"If I do," he began his voice uncertain yet laced with a hunger that mirrored her own.

"You can't leave." The words hung in the air, a heavy declaration that seemed to carry the weight of the world.

It was a demand, a plea, and a vulnerability laid bare.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Ophelia's lips, not understanding he was being deadly serious.

If she ran, he would never stop chasing her.

Her gaze held a promise that transcended words, a silent understanding that bound them.

For once, Noël's eyes didn't flit away.

They locked onto hers, forging a connection that felt like an unspoken agreement.

"What, because if I see your face, you'll have to kill me?" she teased, the words carrying a hint of mischief as she ran her hands up his chest.

His eyes, however, bore into hers with a raw intensity, a storm of emotions swirling beneath the surface.

"No," he replied softly, his gloved hand reaching out to cradle her cheek, his fingers tracing over her smile.

The touch was both tender and possessive, a silent promise she didn't understand.

"Weil ich dich niemals gehen lassen werde," he murmured, the foreign words rolling off his tongue with a gentle cadence.

The meaning remained a mystery to Ophelia, but the tone in his voice spoke volumes.

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