Confession (part 2)

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Idea from:

Thanks for the idea! Also sorry I'm posting late  Anyways Pomni's povI asked

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Thanks for the idea! Also sorry I'm posting late Anyways Pomni's pov
I asked. Jax looked at me in a weird way and I just could tell I started blushing. I wonder what he thinks about this, but I feel like I'm just embarrasing myself. I mean it's not just me who would be able to tell I'm blushing. Anyone can look on my face and see that it's all red and stuff. Editors note: Jax's pov: "What's wrong with Pomni's face? Why is it so red? Well I'm not stupid, but why is she blushing? Ik it's not a fever because I'm not stupid. I wonder if she's blushing at me, she has been acting weird and stuff. I think she is, I don't know why she would like me though.. but who cares, let's have a little bit of fun!" (Editors note: we're back to Pomni pov) Why has he been just staring at me? I mean what's so interesting about my face that you have to stare at it for a five minutes? Maybe it hasn't been that long but damn, there is nothing that interesting that you need to stare at me for more than a minute. "Is there something wrong Jax. Back away for me." I said. "Aww is someone a little flustered?" Jax replied. What tf? Since when did Jax tease people like this? Is this like a new thing of his? "Speechless huh?" Jax said. What. The. HELL?! "I'm leaving b****" I said. "Aww is someone mad?" Jax said. I ignored him and walked out. What is wrong with him? Who does he think he is? I'm not gonna let a rabbit tease me, or anyone else. I started to walk to my room and ow! Who did I bump in to? "Hey Pomni!" A voice said. Who can possibly be trying to talk to me? I looked up and oh! It's Gangle! "Hi Gangle!" I said. "You look a bit mad, is there something I can do to uh.. help?" Gangle replied. I didn't notice that others can see that I was mad. I guess I know now instead of just walking around looking mad... "Oh uh.. there is nothing wrong Gangle! It was just Jax tripping me! That's it. Totally nothing else <3" I said. *makes a heart with both her hands* I'm not very good at lying. What's with the heart, I mean that was so stupid, Gangle will think that I'm a cringey weirdo and I won't be able to fit in! "Oh uh... ok umm let me know if you need anything. We're always here for you." Gangle said. Gangle is very kind, I've never known her to do something mean to anyone. Not even Jax so what's his deal with breaking her mask and shit? Gangle never did anything, but I don't think I should be thinking about that right now. "Thank you Gangle! Maybe I'll fix your mask a little bit later. I just have something to do right now, so if you'll excuse me I'll be going to my room!" I said. I don't really know if u wanna talk about my problems rn.. Jax is being really weird and I'm not trying to talk about it right now.. *Pomni runs to her room, and closes the door* I wonder what I should do... I mean I think I like Jax as well but I'm not too sure and he's always really rude to people so maybe I should just wait and see what he will do for the next few days and then I'll determine if I should confess or not.

Pomni x Jax 💜❤️💙Where stories live. Discover now