Confession (final part)

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Editors note: no this is not the final part of the story, it's the final part of confession, but I assume this short story will come to a end soon. Unless you guys give me ideas, I don't have many that I can think of after they confess and stuff, so if you have ideas, now would be the time to give me them. btw narrators pov
For the next few days, Pomni was observing everything Jax did to others and herself. She noticed that Jax didn't really flirt or tease others in a 'romantic' way. Jax only has teased her like that.
In present time, Pomni was in her room writing down something. This is what was going on in Pomni's digital mind, "I guess now should write about Jax since he's acting so weird and annoying. (The italics mean that's what she's writing in the diary) hi diary. Jax is acting weird again today. He doesn't seem to tease people in a 'romantic' way. Only does it around me. I feel like it's nothing but it fr is annoying me. He's so annoying so I feel like I should just do it back to him right? It would annoy him and I don't have to like confess to him but why would I even do that? I'm not about to argue with myself in this diary. I don't have any good, not cringey pick-up lines (editors note: blame the ppl on google if I put in cringey ass pick up lines. not my fault) I guess some would be... (editors note: yeah they're cringey. don't be afraid to skip the parts where I put the pick up lines.) well I can't think of some right now.. but I'll think of one quickly when I find him. Well diary, I guess I'll update you on what happened tomorrow as I'm about to find out. Wish me luck! (editors note: that's the end of the diary) I guess it's time to find Jax... what do I do after I finish saying whatever I'm going to say? Do I just walk away? I have no idea"  Pomni walked out of her room and searched for Jax. (Editors note: if you don't want to see a cringey story, then I'll tell you in bold when it's not cringey anymore, I don't recommend skipping because you won't understand what the hell happened after, but this is my warning. But again, if you do wanna skip, it will be in bold and will say "stop")She first looked through his door and he wasn't in there. She went to the main area (I guess?) and she looked around there and finally found Jax talking to Caine. She walked up to Caine and said, "Hey, sorry if I interrupted your conversation but can I borrow Jax for a second?" Caine nodded with a grin on his face (I don't think he can have a grin on his face). Pomni and Jax walked away "Awww now you're chasing after me!" Jax said. "Shut tf up" Pomni replied. They continued walking where no one would hear them (editors note: no this is not a horror movie, no one's gonna get hurt) "Did you bring me here to finally confess your love to me?" Jax said, smiling creepily." "What the actual hell? But I think I finally thought of a cringey pick up line 😊" Pomni thought. "No, but Jax I'm no photographer but I could definitely picture us together <3" Pomni finally replied. (Editors note: switching to Jax pov for the rest of the story) What the hell? Did Pomni really just try to flirt with me? "Aww seems like someone's blushing! See ya later." Pomni said. What!? I can't believe this what is wrong with her? "Ya good Jax?" Someone said. "Oh shut up mysterious person! I don't need you to try to comfort me! Who even are you?" I turned around and I saw.. ZOOBLE?! "I wasn't even trying to comfort you stupid. I've never seen you get rizzed up before. Must be embarrassing, especially since it was Pomni who did it. The best part is I caught it on camera. :)" Zooble said. ("stop") She took a video?! Now I'm embarrassed. "Take it down Zooble!" I shouted. She then clicked a button and it was gone. She deleted it? Just like that? "Ok." She said. Wow I didn't think she would do that.  She walked away, what is she doing?
Couple minutes later
I don't know what to do.. I'm so bored, I don't want to tease Pomni anymore..  Zooble is acting weird as hell. And now Pomni is walking with Zooble? "I already knew he liked me" Pomni said. "Okay but did you know Jax likes you a lottttt?" Zooble said. Why. The. Hell is Zooble lying to her? I don't even like her that much. Zooble is being a complete bitch right now. Ever since Zooble found out, she's been getting really annoying. She keeps telling all my business but in lies. It's so annoying! The fact that she only found out just a couple minutes ago and now she's probably already told everyone is so  annoying! "Zooble get over here!" I said. Zooble started walking over here and Pomni looked like she was trying to decide if she wanted to come or stay over there. "Pomni you're coming with me." Zooble said. "What? I didn't want her to come over here!" I shouted. "Well she's coming anyway." Zooble said. I rolled my eyes. Should I ignore Pomni's here because everything I wanted to say, I don't want Pomni to know about but if I just ignore her, then she's literally gonna know everything, or else I just called them here for nothing. "Why are you telling lies to Pomni?" I said. She smiled and looked at Pomni, then back at me. "I don't even like her that much!" I said, shouted once again. Zooble laughed. Why is she laughing? "See I told you that he's not just teasing you! You just won't get the hints he's trying to tell you!" Zooble said to Pomni. "I don't understand?" I said. "So you do like me." Pomni said with a straight face. I get it now, ugh this is why I hate Zooble. "Next time, don't be so oblivious! Haha!" Zooble said. Pomni rolled her eyes then looked at me, smiling. "Shut up!" I said. Zooble walked away, laughing. "I hear you like me, and I hear you're so stupid that you said you like me without even trying to, so that proves I'm the smarter one." Pomni said. "WHAT?! Zooble literally said you're oblivious!" I replied "No you!" She screamed. We went back and forth for a while and eventually gave up. "Whatever. I'm too tired for this, we will figure it out in the morning." I said. I walked away, she did as well. "OBLIVIOUS RABBIT!" She screamed. "SHUT UP!" I screamed back.
Editors note: I got over a thousand words y'all, that's pretty cool. Anyways give me ideas pleaseeee! See ya prolly Monday or Tuesday! (I hate Sundays)

Pomni x Jax 💜❤️💙Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang