Act 7

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Scene 1

Izuku made his way to AFO's office holding his journal, gently knocking on his door before letting himself in and looking around. He spotted AFO lying on his couch with an arm draped over his eyes, Izuku quietly walked over and crouched beside him.

He pouted and poked the side of his face, "Papa wake up,"

The man didn't budge so Izuku climbed on top of him and sat crisscrossed on his stomach, opening his journal. He scanned his notes and pulled out the diagrams Tsubasa had given to him, scanning over them.

He then looked at AFO and placed stickers on his face in specific locations then marked something in his journal. He continued doing this for about thirty minutes when the man suddenly sat up causing Izuku to fall. AFO instinctively reached his hand out and caught him before he touched the ground, lifting him back onto the couch.

"Are you alright?"

Izuku nodded with a smile, "I'm ok Papa,"

"What were you doing?" AFO asked.

"I came to ask for help, I got stuck with my training but you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up so I started studying," Izuku told him.

"Ah, I see I'm sorry,"

"Papa I didn't know you could sleep, I've never seen you sleep before so I thought you were faking to trick me. But I poked you and you didn't even notice! You slept for a long time and didn't wake up even though I was sitting on you. Are your quirks broken? You always notice everything!" Izuku sat in front of the man.

AFO chuckled, "No they aren't broken, since you healed me I got careless and stopped using my sensory quirks. And my detection quirk only works against threats and you aren't a threat to me," he patted his head.

"Oh," Izuku tilted his head "So why were you sleeping? I thought you didn't need to,"

"I don't but truthfully I've been feeling bored as of late, sleeping makes time go faster,"

"Then you can help me train so you don't get bored," Izuku smiled wide.

"Alright then, what were you stuck on?" AFO asked.

"I wanted to see if I could make something like a nomu or person with my quirk so I've been doing lots of research on the body. I even got some diagrams from Doc and memorized them but I need to really understand how the body works. So I wanted to look at a real body and the insides, like dissection or something!" Izuku explained.

AFO thought about it, "We'll have to go see Tsubasa then, this is his expertise,"


AFO scooped Izuku into his arms and stood up making Izuku quickly hug his neck as he laughed.

"I thought you said I shouldn't get picked up anymore 'cause it's spoiling me?" Izuku giggled.

"I'm allowed to spoil my bunny sometimes, I've never had a child before so I should go all out for my first right?"

Izuku's eyes widened at that and AFO turned to him when he got sad, "Are you alright? Did I upset you?"

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