Act 11

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Scene 1

"I'm home," Katsuki announced.

Masaru rounded the corner, "You're a lot later than usual, did something happen?"

"Yeah...I need to talk to you guys about something, where's mom?" Katsuki removed his shoes and sat his bag down.

"She's out back on the patio,"

Katsuki made his way to the back patio and peeked out to see Mitsuki listening to an audio book as she relaxed, "Ma it's important, can you come inside for a bit?"

Mitsuki turned to him, "Is it the reason you're so late?"


She sighed and stood up, stretching her joints then making her way inside after pocketing her phone. She joined her equally confused husband in the living room and sat down.

"What's this about Katsuki?" Masaru asked concerned.

"I went to Auntie and Uncle's graves today and I saw Deku, he was crouched by it and crying. It was really him this time...I didn't have an episode," He added before they spoke "I didn't know what to do so I took him back to UA and they made sure he was ok,"

They were beyond surprised and relieved to know that he was alive, "How is he?" Masaru asked.

"He's ok...for the most part, he hasn't changed at all physically and mentally he's the same as before but..." Katsuki faultered.

"But?" Mitsuki waited.

"The way he acts, principal Nezu says it's just that Deku is behind academically because he can't read or write that well. He doesn't know Deku though, yeah he acts a lot younger than he is now but even when we were kids he more mature than he should've been. I know it's Deku and he's still the same but the way he acts worries me," Katsuki explained.

"I see, well that day had to have been traumatic for him, it may be best to get him into counseling," Masaru frowned.

"I don't think that'll be enough, he got hurt that day and it was a head injury. It had to have been a really deep gash for it to leave that kind of scar, what if he has brain damage and it's permanent...?"

"That's very concerning, tomorrow you should voice your concerns, no one knows him better than you. They'll take concerns seriously, if you say it's something they should worry about I'm confident they'll listen," Masaru smiled a little.

Katsuki nodded, "You're right, thanks,"

"Did- did he say what happened back then?" Mitsuki finally spoke up.

That was the question he had been dreading, "Yes, he was asked..."

Masaru grabbed Mitsuki's hand, "It's ok we want to know, knowing will help all of us,"

Katsuki sat down, "I'm sorry again Ma, it wasn't your fault and I shouldn't have blamed you for it back then. After we left, the families of those boys turned on him, I wasn't around to deal with the consequences of what I did so they took that out on him. He said they'd started to harm him physically and that he ended up being homeschooled.

That didn't stop though and it got so bad they moved because they were worried for his safety. It was ok for a while but then one of those boys got worse, he needed a new kidney. They couldn't move too far, they had been in the process of filing lawsuits against them and used up their savings.

Things had been good for a year but when they finally left the house they got recognized that same day. It didn't take long for their new house to get found and the harrassment started up again. But it was worse this time because one of those boys was in critical condition.

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