926 49 2

Palace Multiplex, Montego Bay📍

Jamari pov:

Man dem plan fi watch some foolishness pon eh board boh The marvels "a weh kinda likkle pickney smth dis uno a make me watch?" I hissed

"Tap move suh sinna"

"It mi a say, a gwaan like uh betta Dan eh show" kamilah butted in

"Yuh cah come out a big people things pussy ole?" I asked completely loosing my temper, I looked at her realizing that tears are now forming at her eyes "sorry Jamari" she apologized "no a mi fi a say me sorry baby, come here, mo never mean it yere?" I asked, she nods.

"Come on Mek wi go get wi ticket, a boh how much a wi Malachi?" I asked

"Nuh boh 7 a wi sinna?"

Before I could even start talking the cashier started talking a whole eep a something "sinna yuh nuh wah mi" she asked

"No eno"

"A lie yah tell, how much ticket yuh wah?" She asked catching an attitude 

"Look yere pussy ole me can Mek uh get fired inna less Dan 10 minutes, so fix up yuh self and do eh rights"

"I'll take it from here" Crystal said taking over "can I have 7 adult tickets for the marvels" she asked "okay that would be ___" 

We payed the cash then made our way to the security, the checked our tickets before letting us in. As we entered the building everybody start run up and dung.

"SINNAAA" A girl called out, I turned around to find the person who called my name "a who dat deh?" Reggie asked me, me yah ask "me dvn know" we laughed, one of the workers ran from her station and came hold on to my hand "hiii sinna" she said "y pree?" I asked "nuhn eno, long time me nuh see yuh" "eeeh, yo Kamss, fawod" I called kamilah over "are you gonna by food before intermission or afta?" I asked "after but for now I want a small popcorn and a bottle of water" she said "ah," I pushed pass the worker and pulled kamilah to the counter to get what she wants. 

After we bought the popcorn and the water, we found a seat in the middle to the right, I sat down in the extreme corner with kamilah beside me and reggie and crystal and kimani. D man dem want eh same ooman🤦🏽‍♀️. 

Reggie's pov:

A weh kimani and do ova yah suh wid Crystal dwg? Anyways me look dah girl yah and anyhow kimani put up a fight...dem know how me feel bout eh girl eno. I put my arms around, she then leans down on me "yuh gov mami?" I asked "yeah am good, you know your fine right?" She asked "eeeh, I never knew that but thank you for telling me, your a pretty soul yk that right" I asked "aw thank you so much Reggie". 

I took her phone and allowed her to open it, I went in contacts and added my number to her phone, I saved it as '🥷🏽🩷' "eeeh, neh know say a dat yuh name" she joked.

Kimani's pov:

A weh Reggie a try do, eh look like eh one time me nuh talk to eh girl eh man wah come take har weh "bro fawod" i called Reggie, I stood up and walked out, I looked behind Reggie only to see the other guys behind him "A Reggie one mi call" I hissed "yeah wi know, so talk" they fired "eeh, mi nuh like how yah move wid Crystal eno bro, me like eh girl dawg but yuh come and a try take har way" I complained "oh my bad but I knew her before you, and your my bro but I thought you had a girlfriend Kimani" Reggie said "me and ooman leff dawg and yuh barely deh round fi uh know dem something yere.." I vented "yah complain like yah girl, calm c nuff ooman out deh still".

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