Semester Two

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The students Nevermore swarmed the halls and courtyard like bees in a hive. Cheering when they saw their friends, running to their old rooms, and newcomers who heard of what happened last semester with Tyler and Laurel Gates.

The skies had brightened up as spring season started in their second semester. It made for a less dreary scene, though the school was still having repairs done for all the damage dealt earlier that school year.

New students were cautious about greeting people and afraid to make friends. But one thing was certain. Enid and Wednesday were the only two anyone could trust. Eugene too but they didn't pay him much mind.

Saving the town from a monster and a lunatic mastermind was a feat nobody else could pull off. Wednesday wasn't so fond of all the attention that was turned toward her as she made her way up the stairs to her old dorm.

Enid politely smiled as she walked with Wednesday, but something was off with her and everyone could see it.


"So... what's been new with you while you were gone?" Enid asked Wednesday awkwardly. She was sitting on the edge of her bed while Wednesday unpacked her belongings. 

"My life has been the same as it was before, only with more attention in my family. Apparently, I've become a true Addams for being targeted for murder. I despised every moment home."

It was silent for a moment, but Wednesday spoke up again. "How was it in San Francisco?"

Enid pursed her lips and said, "it was fine I guess."

Wednesday took note of Enid's lack of elaboration but didn't push. Enid always caved at some point with her emotions, so in the meantime, she waited.

And she would be there. Of course she would.

"Our friendship hasn't diminished in our time apart. Just so you're aware" Wednesday said.

"Is that your way of saying I can lean on you for support?" Enid laughed.

Wednesday gave a curt nod and continued putting her clothes away.

"There's a new student here who's a part of the Lycan council. She's the omega, Maddie the white wolf" Enid said to change the subject.

"Oh great, just what we needed. A big shot with an ego larger than my taxidermy collection. Why did she even join?"

Enid shrugged. "No one knows why but I'm going to try and be her friend so she isn't so alone here."

The Lycan council was the superior wolf pack consisting of three members. The black alpha wolf, the golden beta, and the white wolf, Maddie, the omega. The alpha was Charlie, a man with strict order and nonnegotiable rules. He had been known to kill the few werewolves who broke the laws.

The biggest and most important rule was that in a pack, for anyone who tries to seduce someone from a mating pair, that person shall be killed. Mates were an absolute law, never to be even joked around about.

Rule two was that vampires and werewolves can never hunt in each other's territory. Now a vampire cult leader could talk to the pack's alpha about coming onto territory for other reasons like gathering wood for housing (in the olden days) and to simply we joined together for a night or two of merriment. But any trespassing with no signed contract was forbidden.

Rule three. No wolf should ever kill a human unless it was brought to the council and had good reason. If the reason was suitable, the council did it themselves.

Nowadays the other "smaller" rules were adapted to modern living and how society was trying to bring all outcasts together instead of the rivalry they had for centuries. Such as marrying another outcast, and figuring out which territory they should live on. Nothing was perfect though.

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