Curious Specimen

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The security guards were more of a show than anything. Billie could handle herself, no problem at all. Nonetheless, they stayed outside the doors of the Weathervane to protect Billie from anyone who may try to take her down while she was away from the Desmod castle.

Castle was a loose term for a mansion that used to be a castle. It housed the three Desmod members, and anyone that came before them. Of course, replacing one was extremely rare as they were immortal but death is death and it could come for anyone.

Billie sat in a booth with a cup of her own supply, no doubt animal blood, and waved at Wednesday and Enid when they arrived.

"Wow! You two are a very unlikely pair, but it's good to go against standards. Hello Enid, I'm Billie."

Enid squealed then coughed to try and cover it up as she sat across from her.

"You know my name! I'm sorry I'm just a little excited and confused about how to feel right now. You know, a friend dies and then I'm meeting a literal legend."

Billie's face turned solemn. "I didn't know you two were close, I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

Tears started to pour down Enid's cheeks again and Wednesday held her hand under the table.

"She's very torn apart about all of this" Wednesday said flatly.

"I can see that. You don't seem too upset about it which makes me a littleee more suspicious of you again."

Enid wiped her eyes with her sleeve and said, "Oh that's just how she is. Never cries or shows her emotions. It's kind of her thing, but trust me she's very upset. I know her better than anyone."

Billie leaned back in her seat and took a sip from her cup.

"What a curious specimen you are Addams."

"Indeed" she replied.

"Do you know why the White Wolf joined Nevermore? Maddie." Enid asked.

"I'm sorry to say I can't talk about why she's here or why exactly I'm here. Two different reasons though, that's all I can say. But I want to hear more about what happened last semester I mean you two must be pretty impressed with yourselves!"

Wednesday's hand twitched in Enid's.

"You know what Billie? I just realized we should probably get going now, it's getting late and we don't want to miss dinner" Enid said, sensing Wednesday's discomfort with the topic.

"No worries, I'll get you guys whatever you want. Just a quick story time?"

Wednesday nodded at Enid who recalled the tale of the hyde and Laurel Gates. Wednesday tuned out as much as she could by studying Billie's expressions. Much more laid back than Enid but a sort of confidence Wednesday hadn't seen in people her age.

But then again, Billie was much, much older.

"How many years have you been alive?" Wednesday asked out of the blue.

"Well, I just turned 120 actually. I was born in 1901."

"That is fascinating, truly. I'm sure you have many tales to tell as well" Wednesday said with a small smile.

"You could find out" Billie smirked.

Enid shifted in her seat and remained quiet.

"What do you say Wednesday? You and I can go for a walk and I'll delay my time to stay in Jericho so you can hear my whole life story."

Wednesday was curious and intrigued by the offer so she accepted.


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