Tell Me Again

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Enid didn't chase Billie down or yell for an explanation. She just buried her face in her hands and groaned.

"Looks like your girlfriend isn't too happy with what you said. Good luck figuring out that mess" Enid sighed.

"I'd go get her myself but I'm currently handicapped." Wednesday almost felt nothing when Billie came in. She was too focused on making sure Enid understood her.

Enid got up from her crouched position and looked at Wednesday once more. "Tell me again."

"Tell you what?"

"Say you'd choose me over her. She heard it, you deal with that drama and figure out what you want. Just tell me again so I know you meant it."

"I don't understand" Wednesday said.

"You're not fucking stupid Wednesday! You know what I'm asking."

If only she was stupid and could get away with it. The truth was she didn't want to say it again, she didn't know anything about what Enid had gone through since she left and she was left with too many questions.

"Tell me where you went and what the hell happened first" Wednesday huffed.

"You know having people's hearts may be a game to you but it's our reality. There's only so much we can take before we both decide you're not worth the chase."

Wednesday closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. Enid was making it seem like she still wanted to be an option, to be chosen over Billie. But she wasn't sure if that was just to finish old business or start something new.

Enid shook her head and finally answered her question.

"I was pissed at you and left. I didn't know where I was going and don't even remember how long I ran until
I woke up the next morning a few towns over. I thought about coming back but just the thought of you and Billie made me angry again. So I took a bus and just.... Disappeared. Ended up fending for myself and camping out by a creek a few hours away from here."

"The police couldn't find you, no one could."

"If I learned anything from Tyler it's that coffee beans cover up a scent trail. At first, it was hard finding food to eat without being noticed but you would be surprised how little police actually care about things when it comes to spreading news."

Wednesday mulled over the information and waited for her to continue.

"I overheard someone talking about how they needed help on their farm and as much as I hated getting my hands dirty I was broke and hungry so I took up the gig. Turns out they were werewolves like me and accepted me into their makeshift pack in a way. I told them about you actually."


"Brian, one of the wolves there, is a few years older than us and he began to have feelings for me which was actually really gross considering I was seen as a sister so I left again. May or may not have stolen some of their money..."


Enid laughed and said, "Hey you got me into the life of crime and this was for survival. Back to being semi-homeless, I decided one day I really needed the help but I couldn't face you anymore. It would just hurt too much."

Wednesday remembered the pain of having Enid gone and couldn't imagine what she had to endure all alone. Billie stepped up for her and made her become herself again. Enid only had herself.

"So where did you go for help?"

With a barely audible and very soft whisper, Enid said, "The Desmod council."

Wednesday could swear she felt her heart stop dead mid-beat.

"You..." Wednesday trailed off.

"They knew about the whole Golden Wolf thing and agreed to keep it a secret for the time being."

"How long?" Wednesday asked.

"Listen that's not really-"


Enid winced at Wednesday's shouting.
"A little over a month now."

That meant this entire time Billie knew. She knew for over a month where Enid was and didn't tell Wednesday or even hint that she knew she was there.

So she cried. Wednesday cried as hard as she did when Enid left and could do nothing to hide it. Every breath and sob hurt her broken chest more and more but she couldn't bring herself to stop.

At first, Enid didn't know what to do and just stared uncomfortably until her own tears came. She took Wednesday's hand in hers and squeezed it for comfort.

"I'm so sorry Weds" she cried. Enid wiped her tears even though they didn't stop coming, and left Wednesday alone again.

Only, Wednesday didn't know if she wanted her to return.


Billie had to return at some point because as much as she was hurt by Wednesday's words, she was still in love with her and knew she needed help with her healing.

When she came back she saw the medicine still on the floor and grumbled, "Couldn't even bother to take care of our girl" referring to Enid.

Wednesday had her arms crossed and wouldn't look at her girlfriend.

"I'm assuming she told you then?" Billie asked while taking out Wednesday's pills.

"Which part, being on a farm or you lying to me?"

Billie sighed and held out her palm with the pain relievers and plopped them into Wednesday's hand. She passed her a cup of orange juice that had a green swirly straw and watched her as she took her medicine.

"It was better this way until we figured out how to integrate her back into school without hell raining down on the council."

"You could've at least told me she was safe."

"If I did you would've gone and ran straight to her."

"And why is that bad? You were afraid I'd leave you for her? That's fucking selfish."

Billie clambered onto the bed and lay next to her. "You said it yourself. I may seem perfect for you but you'll never love me the same way I love you."

Wednesday scoffed. "You don't know that."

"I do. Deep down I've always known I guess, but I have never fallen for anyone and I just had to know what it was like to be with you. I just... I can't help myself."

"And I'm stuck with you for 3 months until I'm healed, right?"

Billie turned to her side away from Wednesday and said, "Yeah. Stuck."

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