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Billie was in fact, still there the next day. Not in Wednesday's room but she was still on school grounds. As time slowly passed, Wednesday began to eat more and saw Billie nearly every day. She needed the affection and she got it and became more and more herself every day.

There had been no killings reported but Billie stayed around mostly for Wednesday at that point and after 2 months passed she decided she would enroll as a student at Nevermore just so she could be around her.

Within the fourth month of Enid being gone, Billie and Wednesday went out for a night stroll and a picnic by the lake.

"I hope everything is to your liking, I don't know how you like your meat cooked" Billie said as Wednesday sat down and began to eat.

She had prepared filet mignon and vegetables for her after Wednesday said in passing she missed how her mother used to make that meal.

"It's divine, I had no idea you were good at cooking" Wednesday said. The truth was it could've used more garlic but she knew Billie had to be careful when handling it because of the cliche garlic and vampires problem. Massive allergies.

After eating and chatting for a bit Billie took Wednesday's hand in hers and looked at her with care.

"I've been thinking about something and I think now might be the time to ask."

"What is it?"

"We've been hanging out so much and my feelings for you are getting stronger. I know you can feel it too."

Wednesday's lips curled into a small smile. "Perhaps I've grown more fond of you."

"I want to officially date you and be your girlfriend."

"That's not a question."

Billie laughed and said, "Alright I'll be proper about it. Will you be my girlfriend, Wednesday Addams?"

"I'll have to think about it."

"Oh c'mon!"

Wednesday leaned against Billie and said, "You're asking to date but we haven't even kissed yet after all this time. Why won't you do it?"

"I never know when the right moment is honestly. I don't want to scare you away or misread the situation."

"Kiss me first then ask again. Doesn't have to be now-"

Billie took Wednesday's face in her hands and placed her lips against hers. There was no denying the spark, and the excited feeling returned in Wednesday. Billie was more sure of herself than Enid was and Wednesday relaxed into the feeling of not having to be in control.

When Billie pulled away, the vampire took note of Wednesday's pink cheeks. "Now will you be mine?"

Wednesday tucked her lips in to think about it and squinted her eyes. "Yes, I'll be yours. But only if you're mine."



Enid's parents had finally stopped by the school to come collect her belongings.

As they were packing everything into boxes, Esther, Enid's mom, approached Wednesday with teary eyes.

In a hushed voice, she said, "If I find out you were responsible for her disappearance so help me god I will tear you from limb to limb and leave your body out to rot."

The thought didn't disturb Wednesday. What made her hurt was the fact that Esther thought she may have harmed Enid.

"I wouldn't do a single thing to harm her and it repulses me to know that's even a thought in your brain."

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