Aqauriams and a Departure

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Wednesday and Enid didn't see each other for a couple of weeks after the raven had admitted her feelings for her. Billie was at Wednesday's whim when it came to taking care of her but everyone could tell she felt torn apart over something.

Although things were difficult between the two in their relationship, Billie and Wednesday were still dating technically. The two felt they couldn't separate, they still had feelings for each other.

When Enid came by to see Wednesday again all they did was have a small talk about their days and ate lunch in the dorm uncomfortably before Enid said she had to go and Wednesday wondered why she even came.


"Big day today isn't it?" Billie said excitedly in the car. She had a twinkle in her eye and drove over the speed limit to the hospital.

"I'm just thankful I'll be able to itch myself without assistance" Wednesday joked. She was on her way to get her casting off and get her final x-rays to make sure everything was in place how it should be.

She had felt better for a while before but the doctors insisted on letting everything stay to the plan. Wednesday wished Enid were there to celebrate her capacity to be her full self again but she never reached out after their last lunch.

The hospital visit was short and the first thing Billie did after the brace and casts were off was give Wednesday a tight hug.

"My baby is finally free!"

Wednesday couldn't help but laugh at Billie's joy, seeing her smile made her heart melt. She didn't know if it was just the excitement of being able-bodied again, but something happened when she saw how happy Billie was to have her back.

She felt like she would do anything to protect Billie. She needed her in her life.


The first thing they did was go out to a town nearby and go to a natural history museum. Inside there were dinosaur bones, an aquarium (Billie's favorite), and taxidermy animals which of course, Wednesday couldn't peel herself away from.

Not many people were there because it was Tuesday and they went close to closing time, and it felt like they were exploring new worlds on their own.

In a tunnel underwater where sharks swam above them, Wednesday watched her girlfriend lean forward against the railings, twisting her head to watch a hammerhead shark above them.

"Hey, Bil?" Wednesday asked timidly.

"Hmm?" She hummed back, still watching the hammerhead.

"H-how do you know when you're in love?"

Billie's eyes snapped to Wednesday in curiosity. "Why do you ask?"

"I just want to know" Wednesday croaked.

Billie squinted her eyes and puffed a breath out while she figured out what to say.

"Well, all I know is what I feel for you. I knew I had feelings for you the moment we met, and the closer we got, the more I craved you. It hit me one day when we were driving back from our weekend getaway to the beach, remember?"

Wednesday smiled. Billie begged Wednesday to come out with her on the weekend and even rented a hotel room for them. At first, she declined because she had a feeling all Billie wanted was to see her in a bikini- which never happened. She finally said yes when Billie said she would float away in the water without her. The vampire sure had a persuasive nature and a lot of charm, which she admired.

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