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Wednesday was crushed. Here she was, torn apart over a breakup and running to another girl a few seconds later. If she weren't so pressed for time she would've had a more clear head to process things.

She was determined to find Enid though, and that was the whole reason she came here. Looking back on it, deep down she knew that would most likely be where Billie and her ended things.

The line to go through the security checkpoint was relatively short and Wednesday cursed herself for wearing as many layers as she was since she had to take her jacket, sweater, and high-top boots off with far too many laces to undo and put back on. So when she got her bin of items back and got cleared to go, she didn't even bother to put them back on and just carried her items in the crook of her arm.

Her boarding pass showed that her flight was at terminal B-11, not far from where she was. Her eyes darted across the crowds that spilled by her and kept checking the signs above her until she reached the correct terminal where she was supposed to go.

Only Enid wasn't there. Wednesday rushed over to the counter and quickly asked, "Wasn't there supposed to be a flight before this to San Francisco? I don't see anyone here."

"This flight leaves at 8:15 pm, the flight that was supposed to leave over an hour ago is in terminal C-20. They'll be departing soon" he said calmly.

She didn't bother saying thank you and took off as fast as she could, still wearing just her socks, a T-shirt, and her black jeans. Her heart was thudding against her freshly healed ribs and part of her feared that they would break again just from how persistent the heavy thumping was.

Her breath was short and ragged but she finally made it to C-20 and there was a line of people already checking in and walking down the hallway and into the plane.

A flash of short blonde hair caught Wednesday's eye and sure enough, Enid was scanning her ticket and began to walk down the hall.

"ENID" Wednesday yelled at the top of her lungs. Some people around her jumped in fright and Enid's head whipped around.

"Wednesday?" She said. "Ma'am keep walking please" the woman scanning tickets told Enid. She didn't listen and stood for a moment longer in complete shock.

"Move it!" The man behind her yelled impatiently.

She stumbled forward and shook her head like she was trying to forget what just happened. Wednesday had no option but to run to the entrance of the hallway where she was and she almost instantly got held back by security.

"SINCLAIR PLEASE" she yelled again, thrashing in the arms of the man holding her back. Her clothes and shoes dropped from her arms and Enid turned around again and got shoved back by the angry guy's shoulder.

"You can let her go" Enid said rushing toward Wednesday and the security guard. He loosened his grip from her and she tore away from him and came face to face with Enid.

The people waiting to check onto the plane stopped themselves from moving forward, invested in the scene. Some people even started to record on their phones.

Enid looked at Wednesday with worry and asked, "What are you doing here? How did you even get this far into the airport?"

Wednesday was practically out of breath. She clasped Enid's hand in hers and said, "You can't leave me again."

"Wednesday my parents-"

"No just listen to me! I have spent almost a year waiting to have you back in my life the way you used to be. All the months you disappeared I was a mess. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I am not afraid to admit that I cried almost every hour that I was awake. I was so lost without you."


"P-please just hear me out. You can't do this again. You can't run away from your life just because things get hard. I may have fucked up, or done things in ways you don't like but I can't go through what I did last time. I refuse to live a life without you."

"Are you threatening suicide?" Enid asked.

"Ok well no-"

"I have to go. You're holding up the line" Enid said sternly, letting go of Wednesday's hand.

"Enid please" Wednesday began to cry. She was walking away again, she didn't care about her enough to stay, and it hit Wednesday like a ton of bricks, just like Billie said. She only had one thing to say.

"I love you."

It took Enid about a millisecond to face Wednesday again and study her. The tears, quivering lip, and exasperated look on Wednesday's face gave nothing else but the truth.

Enid replied softly, "Don't say that Weds."

"B-but it's true."

With a sigh, Enid said, "I know it is. It just... I don't know."

Wednesday was lost and depleted. This was supposed to be the part where Enid confessed her love back, and they would kiss and Enid would stay with her forever.

The raven's eyes spilled tears but she gave a firm nod with a stern look to try and dissipate the pain.
"I understand."

She felt foolish and quite frankly, embarrassed with herself for causing such a scene for no reason. Maybe she could've loved Billie if she had given it some more time, maybe she could've forgotten her feelings for Enid.

Her thoughts came to an end when Enid took Wednesday's arm and jolted her forward. She kissed her back and cupped the back of her neck. It all made sense now to Wednesday. The clarity of her feelings and choices were unmistakable at that moment.

"I can't stand to see you cry" Enid whispered against her lips. She gave her another gentle kiss and Wednesday could taste her tears as they continued to fall, but it felt like pure bliss.

The people around them were either tearing up or had their mouths wide open. Definitely not what they expected out of their days.

When they pulled apart from each other they both had shy smiles and looked around them. "I can't stay though Wednesday" Enid said softly.

Wednesday frowned. "Why not?"

"I don't have a place to stay at Nevermore anymore, I'm not even enrolled in the school. Our room..."

"Billie's not going to be there anymore."

"Why?" Enid asked in shock.

"We'll talk about everything later, just please come with me and get out of this stupid airport."

Enid sighed and looked at the most unkempt Wednesday she'd ever seen. "Fine, but put your clothes back on. It's broad daylight and you're dressed like a normal person and that's wildly unsettling."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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