Lie Detector

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Billie showed up at Nevermore to ask Wednesday if she was available to see her for a walk in the woods. She was going to stay put while the killings were going on to figure out what was happening and to keep the school safe.

Enid was hanging out with a few of her friends so Wednesday obliged.

The woods became more dense the further into them they went and at a certain point they were both ducking twigs that sprung low on tree trunks.

"I never did ask you, what is your special ability?"

Every Desmod member had a power, so to speak, once they were appointed. Some of them were more useful than others.

"I am able to tell when someone is lying or not. Bella has electrokinesis so she can use electricity at her fingertips, and Poppy can alter someone's perception and make them believe they're in any place she wants them to be. One time she sent me into a whole Hogwarts escapade after a few too many drinks and I was sorely disappointed when I awoke from that dream. I had my own cat and everything!"

"Can't you just get a real cat now?" Wednesday asked.

Billie clicked her tongue and said, "I'm allergic. Such is life though, I have more important things to attend to."

"Like the murders that have been happening in Jericho."

Billie smiled. "You won't give that up, will you? You know I can't say anything about that Wednesday."

"If I was able to help the townspeople last semester I can definitely help you now I just need to get a vague idea of the situation to help me out here so no more students get hurt."

"Alright alright, only because I'm beginning to like you. Honestly, we don't know much. Whoever did this is probably a vampire from out of town because there hasn't been one new person at the school who hasn't tested positive for traces of human blood. The only question is why now? And why Jericho?"

Wednesday nodded and looked at Billie. "I think I know who might know more information. There's this girl at school, a vampire named Jennifer, and she was bullying Eugene shortly before he died and then she was laughing about it the other day."

"That's one person's death among eight others. Do you really think she would be killing other people? Age ranges everywhere. We had a man die that was 65 years old, I doubt she has beef with him."

It wasn't logical and she was placing her grief upon someone else, of course. Wednesday just wished she could know more and have Eugene's death avenged.

"There has to be a reason behind all of this though. It doesn't make any sense" Wednesday said.

"We're all at a loss. On some lighter news, I got you a little something."

Billie pulled a small black velvet box with a bow on it from her pockets and handed it to her. Wednesday opened the box to see a black leather bracelet with three rubies embedded in it.

"This is amazing, what did I do to deserve this? I didn't get you anything" Wednesday said feeling a tad guilty.

"You're you, and I like you. I don't think I've ever come across someone as beautiful as you and I thought you deserved to have an accessory that suited your personality."

Thump, thump, thump. The heartbeat she had that Enid so carelessly called out their other night together.

"Enid said friends don't kiss each other's hands" she blurted out.

Billie laughed and said, "She's right about that and I don't intend on pressuring you into anything but I definitely am intrigued by you and want to take you on more dates."

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