Yellow Tulips for the Hummer

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The funeral that was held for Eugene wasn't anywhere near Jericho. His parents held it in his home town which meant Enid and Wednesday couldn't attend, but they held their own memorial for him at the Hummers Club where all of his bees were.

It was as if they knew too that he was gone. They weren't flying around, they crawled solemnly in and out of their hives.

Enid placed a bouquet of flowers on the ground and lit a candle that quickly got blown out by the wind which was probably for the best because of how much grass was around them.

"I don't know if he'd like tulips or not" the wolf said looking down at the flowers she chose. Yellow and pink tulips.

"I think he would've liked anything you chose for him so long as he was remembered."

Enid grabbed Wednesday's arm and rested her head on her shoulder. "I want to go now please" she said choking up.

They were greeted by Maddie on their way back, by Xavier's art studio.

"Hey you two!" She said with a skip in her step.

"Wassup" Enid said immediately trying to sound cool. Wednesday would've facepalmed if she weren't busy holding Enid's hand.

"Just heard that Billie would be around for longer than expected to hang out with Wednesday so I was wondering if you'd like to meet up sometime Enid?"

Wednesday swore Enid was about to faint.

"Of course! There's not a lot to do here but if you wanted to get ice cream..."

"Sure, just let me know when. I'm staying here for the semester so there's no rush at all" Maddie said with a smile.


It ended up being a lot sooner than expected. The next day Enid was more than eager to run over to Maddie's room to tell her the news.

When Wednesday went to sleep after Eugene's memorial, her nightmares kicked up again.

She was chasing Eugene and yelling at him to turn around and go back to school. He wasn't listening. He was out hunting for the next insect that piqued his interest.

A vampire ran through the clearing and grabbed Eugene's neck in their fangs and drained the blood out of him within seconds. Wednesday was helpless as usual in her dreams and had to watch his lifeless pale body shrivel up into nothing but a sack of skin and bone.

Still having their beds pushed together, she woke up spooning Enid and clutching her for dear life, and Enid was wide awake.

Wednesday loosened her grip as soon as she realized she wasn't asleep and Enid flipped herself over.

"You had to let go?" She asked.

Wednesday was trying to regulate her breathing and said "I don't see why I would continue holding on. I apologize for grabbing you in such a manner."

Enid laughed and said, "I like when you want me physically. Wait I meant like, when you hug me or hold my hand or... well like tonight."

"I realize I've been more attentive to physical touch but I didn't keep track of how much I was really doing."

Wednesday felt true embarrassment and turned over to try and get herself to sleep again, and scooted over to the edge of her mattress.

Enid rested her hand on Wednesday's waist.


Her hand retreated and Enid pouted, no doubt.


"So she totally likes physical touch now and just doesn't want to admit it" Enid finished telling Maddie over ice cream.

"It seems like you're enjoying it more than the average friend would" Maddie said coyly.

Enid had a dab of her cookies and cream on the corner of her mouth and licked it off.

"It just means I'm finally breaking through to her in her time of need and I have never been so excited about something like this before!"

"You have a crush on her" Maddie said with a smile. Maddie loved to see people form relationships and thought that Wednesday and Enid could make for an extremely attractive pair both physically and emotionally.

"W-what?" Enid stuttered.

"You think I can't smell the light pheromones you've been letting out when you're near her? You're subconsciously trying to claim her."

"No no you're lying I haven't been doing that, have I?"

"I would never lie about something like this."

Enid's eyes went wide and she looked long and hard at her melting ice cream cone.

"I can't tell her that she would totally run away from me" Enid finally said.

"I agree, right now is not the time. But you can drop hints here and there to warm her up to it, a wolf's claim can be pretty intense."

Enid had a lot of restraining and training to do. While she and Maddie were out, Billie and Wednesday were together.


"And that's how I convinced Stevie Nicks to become a vampire" Billie said with a laugh after telling a wild tale.

Awestruck at such a human with as many stories to tell as herself- if not more- Wednesday felt no need to escape the social situation she was in.

"Ok now you tell me something about yourself" Billie said as they walked along the edge of the forest by school.

"My family has a member called Thing. He's a hand that speaks without a mouth and he's incredibly vain for not having eyes to see with."

Billie's mouth gaped open in awe and practically cackled. "Oh please I have to see this shit! Before we get started on that route though, I asked about YOU. Not your family. Tell me what things you like."

"Oh..." Wednesday had to think about this. She was an Addams, and they're known as the collective of what they have and the oddities they collect. Who was Wednesday if she were detached from her last name?

"I write mystery novels and play cello. I also do my own taxidermy animals and read about the gross and mysterious."

"What I'm hearing is you're spooky and creative. Love that vibe, definitely something more unique than I'm used to. Don't get me wrong, vampires and the council bring all sorts of weird but you..."

She gave Wednesday a wink and said, "You're different."

It didn't seem at all like she was putting her down. Wednesday had never been praised for who she was outside of her family and it struck her heartstrings in such a nice way she could practically hear a chord play.

"Thank you, I don't think someone has meant that in a nice way before."

"Not even your roommate has said that?"

"She knows I'm different but she can hardly handle the things I'm into. She fainted at the sight of a dead body."

"And I'm assuming you know how to properly perform an autopsy."

"Yes! I was taught when I was 13."

They walked back to campus and Billie opened the door for Wednesday to get into her own dorm room where Enid was waiting.

She waved at Billie and Billie waived back before taking Wednesday's hand in hers and bringing her knuckles up to her lips, giving them a soft kiss.

"Until next time, Wednesday."

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