Do You Wanna Feel Tough, Love?

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Wednesday ended up with two cracked ribs, a fracture in her spine, and had broken her left leg. The police took her statement while she was being treated in the hospital for a day. He recounted the whole incident to them and after a couple of hours, they left.

The surgery for vampires wasn't as intense as it was for humans. They had no need for blood transfusions and they healed as fast as werewolves did. A broken arm could be healed in days if set back correctly.

Billie's shredded shoulder would be completely healed in 2 weeks with minimal scarring. Wednesday however was stuck in a loose back brace for 3 months that couldn't squeeze her too tight because of her broken ribs. Her left leg was completely bound up in black casting.

"This is the most ridiculous and humiliating attire" Wednesday told Billie in their room. Billie had carefully driven Wednesday back but heard a few 'oofs' every time there was a bump in the road.

"It's not attire, it's medical. And I don't think it's ridiculous, I think it's badass."

"Ah yes because being unable to move is so badass."

Wednesday had to have a hefty pile of pillows underneath her back so she would be at a 45-degree angle while she slept.

Billie fluffed up the pillows for her before laying her down and hoisting her legs up onto the bed.

"I'm going to pick up your meds from the pharmacy, need anything else while I'm there?" Billie asked.

"Hmm..." Wednesday wanted to joke and say she wanted a certain blonde werewolf but refrained.

"No, I'll be alright." Billie leaned over to kiss Wednesday then winked at her.

"Be back before you know it!"

After roughly 10 minutes had passed Wednesday began to doze off and was abruptly woken up by knocking on the door.

"You don't have to knock dumbass" Wednesday called out, thinking it was Billie.

"What a way to welcome me back." Enid opened the door and took in her surroundings without looking at Wednesday. The grimace she tried to hold back told Wednesday that she wasn't happy about the change.

"So she moved in" Enid awkwardly said.

Wednesday opened and closed her mouth.

"You guys even sleep together" she added, finally laying her eyes on Wednesday.

The raven's first thought was that sleeping together meant having sex and she wondered how Enid knew. Then she realized she meant literally sleeping beside each other and she relaxed a little.

"You left and the room was vacant for a bit of time before Billie moved in" Wednesday said.

Enid pursed her lips and nodded with her hands in her jacket pockets. There wasn't a tension really between them, it was more like an empty snake pit. Unsettling knowing what was there before.

"I'm sorry I couldn't fully protect you from Tyler, I'm just glad you're still alive" Enid said standing in the middle of the room.

Wednesday wanted to say she couldn't care less about her apology. She wanted to say Enid should be apologizing for ruining her by leaving, and that she had no idea how much she preferred broken bones over a broken heart.

"I wouldn't be an Addams if I weren't in constant danger" was all she said back.

Enid laughed a little and Wednesday could feel her chest ache for more. More of the Enid she knew that could fill an empty room with her constant babbling and giggling over stupid videos on her phone.

It made Wednesday smile and a little bit of the real Enid came out again.

"Smiling now, are we? I don't know what I've done to be graced with such a thing!"

"You're just you and that's enough" Wednesday said.

"Is it? I think Billie took my place pretty quickly after I left."

"Enid, no one could replace you. She entered my life in a different light as a completely different person and took care of me when I... when you left."

Enid's happy attitude dropped. "You must really love her then."

"I have love for her, that's true. But even she knows I haven't fallen in love."

For a fleeting moment, Wednesday thought she heard Enid laugh like she was relieved but it was covered up by a cough.

"You guys seem perfect for each other honestly. From what I heard she's dark and twisted like you are but has a lot of love to give. I'm sure you enjoy the decor in here much more than what I had to offer."

The comment was directed as a more personal attack than an observation. "You had- I mean you still have a lot to offer. What happened to your bright clothes? And where did you go? How did you know that Tyler was there and the council came and you helped me but you left again-"

It all poured out in a big mess which was not the way Wednesday wanted to have this conversation. She was hoping to have a calm and collected talk but her emotions and fears began to take control.

Enid gritted her teeth and said, "Stop. Please."

Wednesday tried to sit up, forgetting she was not able to, and flopped to her side painfully. Enid rushed over and quickly scanned Wednesday, unsure of how to help.

"What do I do?" She asked frantically. It was nothing serious or dramatic but in typical Enid fashion, she worried too much.

"Legs and shoulders" Wednesday wheezed. Enid quickly scooped her arms under Wednesday's body and turned her onto her back again. The pain from her ribs made Wednesday break into a cold sweat.

Wednesday didn't bother to mention the fact that the pillows shifted uncomfortably under her and simply embraced the fact that Enid was still crouched by her side.

"Seems like every time I'm around you get hurt" Enid said with tears in her eyes.

Wednesday sighed and tried to regulate her breathing. She was getting frustrated and pent up and became very emotional.

"You left me" Wednesday said, her lip quivering.

Enid wiped her cheeks with her sleeve and let out a single sob and heaved her breath back in.

"It worked out in the end for you anyway. You chose her."

"I chose her because you weren't even around! There was no option or choice for me to make you just assumed I didn't want you. I'm sorry that I have a fucked up heart and had feelings for two people at once but fucking hell Enid of course I'd choose you. I'd choose you in a room full of people that seem perfect for me in anyone else's mind."

The silence felt like a stab to the heart and Wednesday's breath became shorter and shorter. Enid seemed genuinely startled by the emotion Wednesday held in her words.

"I don't know what to say" Enid whispered.

Billie stood in the doorway with the bag of medicine for Wednesday and she gently placed the medicine down on the floor and said, "Me neither."

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