Three Tree Point

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Billie was a hopeless romantic when it came to Wednesday. She never used to be that way, her lovers were more passing and sex exclusive. She had never been in love before she met Wednesday Addams.

They were in bed when she told Wednesday she loved her. Billie felt her girlfriend stiffen but didn't take it to heart when she didn't reply. She was a hard nut to crack.

Wednesday didn't want to lie and say she loved her too in the same way, even if she did Billie's ability would call out the lie immediately. So instead she would say, "I care for you too."

Honestly, she didn't know what being in love felt like, or even if it was possible for her. As much as she held emotion and care for Billie she wasn't in love.

Being the romantic that she was, Billie often left her lover little notes before heading out on a notepad saying things like, "went out for business, counting down the minute until I can kiss you again" or, "Chin up my little raven, I'll be back".

Some notes were a little more promiscuous if they had business they didn't finish or reflected on the night before.

One night, Wednesday gave in. Billie was extremely frustrated with Desmod business and had been rifling through books and notes she had taken on one particular case in Minnesota.

"Can't you take a break for even 10 minutes?" Wednesday asked. She hated to see her so stressed and losing as much sleep as she was at that time.

"Yeah in a minute" Billie mumbled with a pen in her mouth.

"Fine, I guess I'll shower alone then" Wednesday sighed, hoping to catch her attention.

"Mhm" Billie mumbled again. She wasn't paying attention.

"Clothes are coming off now" Wednesday said again. Billie was in a chair at her desk, fully turned away from Wednesday who was standing in the middle of the room waiting for her.

She threw her sweatshirt onto the ground which didn't phase Billie's ears at all. She heard nothing. Wednesday then took her pants off and was just in a shirt and underwear.

Wednesday cleared her throat and said, "You're missing out."

"Yeah in a minute" Billie said.

Frustrated, and feeling very ignored, Wednesday stomped over and spun Billie's chair around. She grabbed Billie's jaw and leaned in close before saying, "Look at me!"

Her eyes were wide as she scanned Wednesday's body, still in her grasp. It took no time at all for Billie to grab Wednesday by the hips and thrust her down onto her lap. They were rabid with each other like there was no time left for them to be together.

Wednesday sucked on Billie's neck and grew more frustrated when it seemed to not leave much of a mark on her.

"You have to go harder, like this" Billie said, plunging herself in and sucking Wednesday's skin harshly. She ran her hands through Billie's hair, pushed her head down harder, and felt her fangs prick her neck.

That's where she began to lose control. Billie was by no means allowed to bite any human or taste their blood and she hadn't done so in over a century. But tasting the two drops of blood turned her ice blue eyes into a deep sapphire color and Wednesday allowed her to continue.

Against her primal instinct, Billie controlled herself and Wednesday trusted her to do so. Her teeth sunk in a touch deeper and Wednesday moaned, feeling her neck pulse with the new wound and excitement.

She was tossed onto the bed and Billie practically preyed on her like an animal. Wednesday's shirt was torn off and her bra was given no mercy either as it ripped off of her body.

Billie ran her tongue from Wednesday's naval all the way up to her breast and sucked it gently. Wednesday's thighs squeezed Billie's side as she kissed and bit her way down to her hips.

Wednesday wanted nothing more than to have it done with already. Have these intimate moments end the way they both craved. So when Billie asked if she could continue, and taste Wednesday's core, she said yes.

They had never fully seen each other's bodies. Bare torsos and legs only, until that moment. Wednesday felt the cold air hit when her panties came off and took a deep breath in.

She was ready.

Despite her hungry and desperate air, Billie was gentle with her tongue and how it caressed Wednesday. She had no idea how heavenly it would be to finally have sex and she couldn't have pictured it any better than it was.

She felt no embarrassment or shyness as her moans rippled through the room, or even when a couple of tears spilled from the corners of her eyes.

Wednesday felt light-headed and felt like she was floating away until it finally hit and she suddenly came with no warning. She cried out and gripped her thighs until it all stopped.


Wednesday woke up to Billie tracing her fingers against her arm and looking at her.

"Good morning" Billie said with a small.

"Goodnight" Wednesday replied, closing her eyes again.

"Hey, so..."


"Last night?"

"What about it?" Wednesday asked.

"Was it too much?"

Wednesday opened one of her eyes and shook her head.

"I want to make sure you're still ok with it" Billie said softly.

Wednesday hoisted herself up just enough to kiss Billie and slumped back down. "More than okay with it."


The next day Wednesday felt nothing but a rush every time she looked into Billie's eyes. Hopeful, wanting to have sex with her again. Billie however, could restrain herself a little more and enjoyed seeing Wednesday flustered.

Wednesday had gone to class and spaced out for most of it to relive her previous night over and over again in her head. She practically power walked back to the dorm just to find another sticky note on the door saying, "patience" with a drawn winky face.

Wednesday rolled her eyes and opened the door to see a letter on her bed which was a step further than Billie had ever gone. She never had time to write her a full-fledged letter before leaving.


I know you're one for mysteries- I've experienced it firsthand. Meet me at the point in the woods where three trees meet to get a big surprise


Everyone knew what 'Three Tree Point' was at that school. It's where everyone went to go smoke weed or hook up. Probably both.

Anticipation used to be Wednesday's favorite feeling but it annoyed her as she walked deeper into the forest. She didn't want to have to wait for Billie to kiss her or have to walk through a bunch of branches to have sex in the woods.

She really was in for a surprise though. She approached the three trees point. All separate trunks with intertwined branches to make one triangle with a roof.

Except Billie wasn't there. Tyler was.

"Long time no see, welcome back Wednesday."

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