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Wednesday had never feared confrontation, even with the police. Growing up, she had many teachers call child protective services on her parents, afraid she was being abused because of her morbidity.

Of course, nothing ever came out of it. They technically did nothing wrong and her parents were richer than anyone else she had met.

She remembered the time she could've killed that boy in her high school for bullying Pugsley. The piranhas were already at her disposal from her pond at home. All she had to do was go in the next day and have them let loose in the pool of boys.

When the police came she had almost gone to jail, and anyone else would've surely been convicted. But the Addams always had a way of evading legal prosecution and whether that was because of their money or how feared they were, it didn't matter.

Wednesday was always safe and she couldn't care less what her actions may have resulted in. It's easy to hate the world when the world hates you.

Her life was supposed to continue with the track she was heading down. However, Enid and Eugene came into her life and for the first time, she seemed to care about something deeper than her own interests and herself.

She blamed herself for Eugene's accident last semester because she had abandoned him and she knew how that felt when Enid left to go room with Yoko.

She never feared confrontation, again, but being put in that line by the police officer made her afraid. She knew this time she didn't hurt Eugene in any form but now they were considering her a suspect.

The idea of being falsely put away for his death made her breath hitch and her hands began to fumble lightly against her school uniform.


Wednesday took a look behind her to find Enid but there was no sign of her anywhere. She entered the office and was met with a girl who had black hair and bright red roots.

Her eyes were a piercing blue, and she wore a tight black tank top and a black denim jacket over it. Not quite a goth, but definitely in the alternative genre.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Wednesday Addams."

"I'm Billie, a council member of Desmod. We're investigating the death of Eugene Ottinger and bringing every vampire in for questioning."

Wednesday gave her a confused look. "But I'm not a vampire."

Billie leaned in and studied Wednesday. "Remarkable, there's not a thing suggesting you aren't except having no fangs."

She paused and smiled at her. "My apologies then, Wednesday. You're free to go."

"Wait. Why vampires? Was he... killed by one?"

Billie clasped her hands together and said "I'm not allowed to disclose any information at this time but all I can say is he's not the first. We're trying to keep things calm in Jericho for now after what happened a few months ago."

She stopped talking and had a look of realization. "Hold on it just clicked for me! Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday. You and what's her name.."


"Enid! You two are heroes, truly. I'm so glad I actually got to meet you. I'd love to see you and Enid privately just to finally get to know you guys if that's alright!"

Billie seemed more jovial than before and Wednesday wasn't sure if inviting a werewolf to meet a council of the Desmodontinae was very smart.

"I'll have to ask Enid. When is all of this done?"

"Just meet me in two hours at the coffee shop nearby. I'll keep my security guards outside so nobody tries to get in. Sound good?"

Wednesday nodded and headed out of the door.


Enid was in shambles in the dorm room when Wednesday walked in. Her tears had made her pillow soaking wet and when Wednesday walked in, she cried even harder.

"I can't believe he's gone" she said between cries. While she cried and talked about Eugene, Wednesday took the wet pillow and replaced it with hers so she wouldn't have to sleep on that.

She sat by Enid and held her hand.

"We're going to figure out who did this and give them what they deserve. His death will not be passed by."

Enid crumpled herself into a ball and rested her head in Wednesday's lap. Wednesday gave her a single pat on the head and Enid immediately turned herself over to look at her.

"I'm such an ugly cryer this is ridiculous" she said trying to laugh off the horror they just heard about.

"You're beautiful" Wednesday said softly. Her heart twisted uncomfortably when she said that, like hugging a family member or apologizing. She hated those moments.

A smile spread across Enid's face and she nuzzled into Wednesday's lap more.

"You just gave me a full compliment, congratulations. And... thank you."

There was a moment when they just looked at each other and Wednesday felt that uncomfortable twist again.

"Don't get used to it. You just need to calm down right now while I think of a plan to get revenge. Billie was the one interrogating and she said she'd like to meet you."


"Mhm" Wednesday hummed. Her fingers mindlessly played with Enid's hair while she thought long and hard about what Eugene must've seen or felt in his last moments.

"We're going to meet her in about half an hour actually so you better get ready."

"Why didn't you tell me when you came in?! We don't have time to waste!"

Enid got up quickly and went into their bathroom to splash cold water on her face. Wednesday found nothing to do with her hands and she felt a warmth spread in her when Enid came out.

"Does it look like I've been crying?" She asked.

Her eyes were unmistakably pink and her nose was red. Her eyes, however, had a pure sheen across them. Wednesday thought to herself again, a thing of beauty.

"Perhaps a bit. She'll understand."

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