Antique and Roses

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"Sorry I didn't answer your calls or texts, I was out looking for moths. Nothing interesting came up" Eugene said to Enid one morning. He seemed to have picked up the ability to persuade new insects to do his bidding along with his bees.

"And it took you three days to answer?" Enid questioned.

"Well I got busy with schoolwork and I kind of forgot to answer until today" he admitted. He seemed distracted and Wednesday noticed he kept looking off at a group of girls who were talking down the hallway.

"You've moved on from Enid it seems. Good."

He reeled back and said, "What makes you think that?"

Enid placed a hand on her heart like she got hit in the chest and dramatically went "Eugene! Don't break my heart like this!"

"Enid I would never! I'm just having problems with a vampire girl over there. She makes fun of me whenever I leave or come back from bug hunting and says I need to grow up and get a life."

"Don't let her words affect your interests, Eugene" Wednesday said apathetically.

"Yeah, I know I know. Doesn't it bother you though when people say mean things about you?"

Wednesday answered, "No because most of the time the things they say are true. Regardless, words mean nothing in the long run."

They finished their conversation with school-related things and Eugene disappeared into the night again to continue his research. Enid and Wednesday trodded back to their dorm rooms and were greeted by Maddie who was in the room next to them.

"Hey, I thought I'd introduce myself since we're neighbors now. I'm-"

"Maddie! I mean. You're Maddie, from the Lycan council. Cool, no biggie" Enid said trying to suppress her excitement. Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"That would be Enid by the way. I'm Wednesday. What are you doing at this school if you're such a powerful wolf?" Wednesday asked.

"Oh just business stuff as usual but I can't really say anything about it right now. Do you guys want to come in? I have a ton of snacks" Maddie offered.

She seemed sweet and a bit reserved and Enid seemed to take a little bit of pity in her. "Wednesday and I would LOVE to!"


"So I take it you're a vampire?" Maddie asked Wednesday. She seemed slightly uncomfortable with the dark girl's bored expression and rigid posture. She erred on the side of non-human, and not in an outcast sense. More like an alien.

"No, I'm just me." She replied back.

"So... why do you still smell... dead? Well, I wouldn't say dead more like antique and roses? I mean unless that still offends you I just haven't smelled anyone like you before." Maddie seemed nervous the more she spoke and finally decided she should stop talking.

Enid put her hand on Maddie's arm and said "She's got a unique view on the world, and a unique scent. You'll learn to embrace the odd person that Wednesday Addams is, even if she gets you involved in crime."

Wednesday eyed Enid for touching Maddie and raised an eyebrow. "Don't get too comfortable Maddie, Enid bites" she said with a smirk. Her goal was to scare Maddie away but she had a different impression.

"Oh no no I didn't invite you over to try and take your mate!" Maddie said a little too high-pitched for Wednesday's liking.

"Me? And Addams?" Enid cackled and covered her face in embarrassment.

"Are you saying I'm unworthy of having love?" Wednesday asked. She wasn't quite hurt. Just felt a little sting.

"C'mon, we both know the only thing stopping that from happening is you. If you let someone into your heart you could have them no problem."

Enid wasn't telling the truth because most people wouldn't be able to see past Wednesday's dark antics, but she was always an optimist.

"So you really can't tell us the reason you're here?" Wednesday asked Maddie to try and spare herself the mockery.

"Well... no. But I have a feeling it'll come out soon enough. Have you guys seen or heard anything interesting around here?"

Enid cocked her head to the side and said "I own a gossip blog but if we're talking anything bigger than teen drama? Haven't heard a thing."

Maddie nodded along and seemed relieved.

"Unless you count what happened last year" Wednesday added.

"Ah yes, the hyde incident. Both councils are aware of the situation but for the betterment of the rest of the country, we've paired with the government to keep it down. Puts a bad image on outcasts and gives in to the stereotypes."

"I see" Wednesday said. It was curious and she felt there was more to the story but she held her tongue.

Enid was about to say something until the door opened and they were all greeted by two police officers.

"Everyone needs to be out of their rooms and into the courtyard. We're here to escort you."


The whole place was rampant with chatter in the courtyard and everyone was trying to figure out what the hell happened and why cop cars were surrounding the gates of school.

There was a line of vampires waiting outside of the office and a security guard stood by the door. Yoko was in the middle of the line and Enid ran up to her.

"Yoko, what is going on?" She asked.

"Miss I'm going to need you to step away from this area" the security guard told Enid.

"I'll just be one moment" she said back.

"If you don't move now I'm going to remove you by force. Now step away."

Enid threw her hands up in the air, and at that same moment, Wednesday was grabbed by an officer and put in the line.

"Eugene is dead" Yoko whispered to Enid before she left.

"Wait why are you taking Wednesday?" Enid asked the officer. He didn't answer and Enid felt sick to her stomach and had to be dragged away from the line.

"Next" a voice called from the office.

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