Disaster trio

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Lloyd sat in silence on the crowded bench. Zane was seated several people away, so there was no chance to talk to him in all this commotion. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and was startled to see a smiling face to his left. She was pale, and had freckles all over her face. Her chin was pointed and she had a wavy mane of flaming red hair. 

"It's Lloyd, right?" she said, her bright brown eyes shining. "I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley."

"Well, um, it's uh, nice to meet you Ginny," said Lloyd. 

"This is Neville, and this is Dean," she said. Neville was a round faced blonde boy with buck teeth. He smiled at Lloyd sweetly and his face flushed a little. Dean was tall and dark-skinned with a long, narrow face. He nodded his head by way of greeting, and Lloyd smiled at him in return. There was silence between the four of them for a few minutes. 

"Well," said Ginny. "We should probably show you the common room." She got up and held out her hand to help Lloyd up. He smiled and took her hand. She had a firm grip, it reminded him of Nya. However, Ginny was much more petite in her build, and yet still had that same daring confidence. She led him up a series of moving staircases, with Neville and Dean following close behind them. They arrived at a large portrait of a fat woman in a rose coloured dress. 

"Inferi," said Dean in a calm voice. The door swung aside to reveal a room decorated in exclusively red and gold. Lloyd's eyes widened at the sight. Loud music was being blasted at the highest volume, there were dirty clothes and throw pillows everywhere, people were dancing around and shouting across the room, there was a roaring fire in the fireplace, and the whole room smelled like fresh oranges and freshly baked pastries. "Welcome to the Gryffindor common room, Lloyd Garmadon." 

"Well lookie here!"

"It seems we have-"

"-some fresh meat." Lloyd looked to his right and was overjoyed by what he saw.


"Right you are-"

"-our young friend."

"We are indeed-"


"-and George-"

"-The Weasley Twins." said the two boys, finishing together. Lloyd couldn't seem to stop smiling. 

"I really admire all of your pranks and practical jokes. I... I have a few ideas... if you wouldn't mind too much," said Lloyd hopefully. The Weasley twins smiled at each other.

"Go ahead kid."

"Show us what you got." A smirk appeared on Lloyd's face that hadn't been there since he was much younger. As he walked with Fred and George he paused.

"Hey guys," said Lloyd. 


What's up?"

"Do you think we could target a certain Slytherin boy? He's practically a brother to me and so naturally we love to prank each other. His name is Kai Smith." George shot Fred a mischievous glance, and Fred returned it with a wink. 

"I do believe we-"

"-could make that happen." Lloyd smiled. This was going to be fun.

Sorry this chapter is so so much shorter than the other ones. I really didn't know what else to put in here. Thanks so much for reading this. I never thought that this would get so many reads. So again, thank you so much!

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