The Icy Spirit

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Hello lovely folks! This chapter's question is; What would you do if you found out one of the people you knew was a superhero? I would probably tell them I knew almost immediately and then try to become their "man in the chair." Enjoy the chapter!

Pixal pressed her pillow against her ears, someone was screaming their ass off and it was getting really annoying. She rolled over on her bed. Why won't they just shut up? She sighed and marched over to the door to the common room. She flung open the door. 

"WHO THE FUCK IS WAILING THEIR HEAD OFF?" she screamed. She knew she shouldn't curse, it's a sign of weak verbal skills, but she was really pissed. The whole room went silent. A Hufflepuff girl with blonde pigtails spoke up.

"I screamed because somebody threw a platter at us, but nobody was wailing." Pixal looked at her curiously. I know I heard somebody wailing, I know I wasn't imagining it. She looked around the room searching for someone who could have caused the racket. 

"Pixal?" asked a soft voice. 

"Who said that?" she asked confusedly. She scanned her systems, searching for some malfunction that could be causing this. She found none. "I know someone said my name."

"It was me," said a familiar voice. Her emerald green eyes widened. No. Wait. It can't be. "You can't see me, or feel me, but I am here," the voice explained. 

"I know that voice," she whispered to herself. Everyone in the room was staring at her like she was crazy, which she probably was. There was no way this could be happening. "But it can't be." She shook her head. "Who are you?" she asked. Then the voice spoke into her ear. It said a phrase that meant so much to her. 

"Are we... compatible now?" She gasped. Zane? "Hello Snowdrop." She couldn't process what was happening. Her thoughts were jumbled, they contradicted each other. She finally managed to say something intelligible.

"Prove it. Prove you're here. I need to know that this isn't some bastard playing a very cruel prank. Prove that you really are my Blossom." She stood there for a moment or two. She waited anxiously. Please. Please let it be true. Soon her hope began to fade. She sighed and then began to turn away. 

"Wait!" called the voice. She stopped. "I know how I can prove it to you. Watch." She turned back to where she supposed the voice was coming from. The air began to chill. An icy figure began to form in front of her. She watched as it began to take shape. Her expression changed to one of joy as it took the shape of her boyfriend. Then after a moment, it began to move. Almost everyone gasped. A few people screamed. One person panicked and cried out 'Stupify!' The spell hit the icy figure but had no effect. The figure, who supposedly was Zane somehow, gave the student a look. He gave them the bird and then turned back to her. He smiled. "Hello Pixal." 

"WHAT?" screamed Jay. Both of them turned to their group of friends. 

"Oh hello friends," said Zane. "I had forgotten you were here." Cole stared at the figure in awe. Snow Zane's expression turned to one of confusion. "Are you still unable to hear me?" he asked curiously. Tears welled up in Cole's eyes. 

"I hear you loud and clear, Tin Can." Cole ran up to Zane and embraced him in a hug. Pixal smiled and joined in. Soon their entire group was engaged in a group hug. When they finally broke apart, Jay was looking at Zane curiously. 

"How did you do... this?" Jay gestured to Zane's snowy form. Zane laughed. 

"I've found that certain memories are triggered at certain moments. The moment when Pixal asked me to prove I was there, a very particular memory came back to me." He turned to Cole, who was clearly still processing the experience. "Do you remember when you possessed that mech?" Cole thought for a moment, then his face lit up. 

"Oh! You mean when we were climbing that mountain to get to that portal?" he asked. Zane nodded. 

"Exactly! So I thought, why not try it with ice?" Pixal stared at him, a goofy smile plastered on her face. 

"I'm just so glad you're alive," she muttered. Zane smiled at her. 

"That's just it," he said pointedly. "I'm not sure I am. I believe I am some sort of spirit. I suppose it is like when the Overlord was in the Digiverse. He was not alive, but he was present in some dimensions." His friends nodded in understanding, but the rest of the common room was watching them carefully. Finally, Ernie spoke up. 

"Could someone please explain what the ever loving fuck you are talking about?" he asked quietly. The group of them looked at each other. Nya sighed. 

"I mean we might as well tell the whole world at this point," she said. Pixal shrugged. 

"Perhaps we should do some introductions, honest ones this time," She suggested. Jay nodded. 

"That does seem like a good idea. Although there are certain things that we haven't revealed at all that I think some of us would want to keep under wraps," Jay pointed out. The others nodded. 

"We should gather the houses for a meeting in the great hall!" suggested Kai. 

"Perfect!" exclaimed Cole. "You guys go grab your housemates."

"I will be temporarily abandoning this form as it takes a large amount of energy to maintain," Zane explained. Pixal looked at him sadly. He smiled at her sympathetically. "Do not worry, Pixal. We will figure this out." Pixal nodded resignedly. Before they knew it, Zane's icy form had disappeared. Pixal and Cole watched their friends leave the common room. Once they were gone, she turned to look at her housemates. They stared back at her in confusion. Cole sighed. 

"Well go get the other Hufflepuffs! It's time you guys found out what's going on." Students ran off into the dormitories. Soon, they returned with their fellow badgers. 

"To the great hall!" declared Pixal. 

Sorry this one is a bit shorter than some of the others. I'm planning on adding more in the next chapter, maybe making it a little longer. Anyway, thanks so much for reading this!


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 06 ⏰

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