Elemental Pain

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Lloyd lay on a crimson coloured couch after a long day of classes. A week had passed since they fell through the portal into this realm. He had to admit, it was fun here, but he kind of missed his home. He missed his mom, his uncle, Pixal, the other elemental masters, he even missed Dareth. But just a little bit. He and his friends hadn't been using their powers ever since they arrived. They all seemed to have the same idea. These people are magical, and very powerful. If they found out about our elemental powers they wouldn't stop until they found out how to replicate them. But then again, ever since he found his true potential, he had never gone so long without using his elemental powers in some way, shape or form. It... hurt to keep it bottled up inside him. Most of the time he could ignore it, but it never really went away. He could still feel his elemental energy, longing to get out. Other times it was almost unbearable, in those times he felt like he would explode if he didn't get rid of the energy build-up. But he always pushed through. He had discovered quite early on that it was much harder to control when he was feeling strong emotions. But it was two days ago, for about an hour during lunch, when he had experienced his worst yet. He was sitting at the long wooden table with Ginny and a boy named Seamus. Then suddenly he felt a surge of energy. There was so much pain. He felt like he was dying. His head started pounding, his hands began to shake and his breathing got faster and faster. He managed to mumble a quick goodbye to his friends before running to the bathrooms. He spent the next hour screaming in pain. He didn't dare let it out, what if someone walked in and saw him? After the pain had subsided enough so that he felt safe around others, he went back to classes. Some people asked him why he was late. He told them that he wasn't feeling well, but felt better now. Most believed him, Ginny did not.

"What's going on with you?" she had asked him the next day. 

"What do you mean?" he asked, knowing full well what she was talking about.

"You know what I mean," she said. "You're arriving late to your classes, you never and whenever I look at you, you have this strange look in your eyes. It's like you're constantly in pain, and sometimes it seems worse than others." She gasped, clearly making some sort of connection. "Are you- You're not hurting yourself, are you?" 

"I-I-" Lloyd hadn't been sure what to say. He was certainly in pain, and he supposed that, yes, he was inflicting it upon himself, but it was for a good reason. Ginny looked at him, tears in her eyes.

"Oh Lloyd-" she had said, smothering him in a hug. "Don't do that, please. You know people care about you, and you know that I'll be your friend no matter what happens." 

Lloyd sighed. He had thanked her for her concern, and had said that he would do it less now, but he knew that wasn't really something he could do. Lloyd sat up on the couch, bored. He decided he would go to the library. He walked down the staircases until he reached the library. He grabbed a pocket book about mystical creatures and sat down in a chair in a corner. As he flipped through the pages, he felt another burst of energy, but this time it was even stronger than that incident two days ago. He tried taking some deep breaths, but the pain continued to increase. He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek, trying desperately not to scream in pain. Then he noticed a faint green glow in his lap. He looked down and his panic doubled. Wisps of green energy were leaking from his fingertips. He quickly shoved his hands in his pockets and began to run. He could feel the energy slowly flowing out of him, but he continued to try to suppress it. Stopping the energy flow after it started was much harder than preventing it from happening at all. He reached the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. As soon as he got inside he began to scream at the top of his lungs. It took all of his strength to stop the flow of power out of him. Afterwards he was completely exhausted. He sighed in relief as the pain subsided a little. It was still excruciating, but at least he could stop himself from screaming. Suddenly the bathroom door was kicked open. 

"LLOYD!" said two voices in unison. It was Fred and George. 


"Are you alright?"

"We heard you scream-"

"-and came running."

"What's happening?" Lloyd sat there in silence. 

"Lloyd?" Lloyd sighed.

"Can you keep a secret?" he asked. The twins looked at each other.

"It depends."

"What kind of secret?"

"A secret that might be actively killing me, but would put me in mortal danger if anyone else found out," he said mournfully. The twins eyes twinkled with curiosity, but also shone with concern. 

"Well then, Lloyd."

"Spill the beans."

"I'm not exactly a normal person," he began. "Even as a wizard." He took a deep breath and cautiously let a wisp of green energy leak out from the tip of his finger. "I have a special power, unique to where I'm from." He winced as he forced the flow of power to stop. "Certain people in my homeland have elemental powers. My power, the element of energy, is the most powerful out of all of them, people are always trying to steal it." The ginger boys stared in shock. 


"That's incredible."

"But hell to your differences-"

"We're all human-"

"Also I'm not human." he blurted out. There was silence.

"What?" said both twins.

"I'm only half human, because my mom was human, but my dad wasn't."

"But what about-"

"-the other part?"

"My dad is half demon and half dragon," he said.

"Bloody hell."

"So can you shapeshift?" Lloyd winced at the thought. 

"I can," he said. "But I really prefer not to. The last time I did..." He paused. "... I lost control."

"I guess we were kinda hoping-"

"-that you could show us." Lloyd frowned thoughtfully. 

"I guess I could show you my fangs," he said. The two boys nodded excitedly. Lloyd closed his eyes and relaxed his mouth. He sighed in satisfaction as his canines elongated until they became two sets of pointed fangs. The twins stared in awe. 

"Don't worry mate,-"

"-we won't tell." Lloyd smiled. He was glad someone found out, but that couldn't stop his constant pain he experienced. 

This one is really long. It's weird. I really like writing chapters that describe characters being in pain. Anyway, thanks so much for continuing to read this story!


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