That One Time I Almost Died

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Kai and Blaise sat on the rooftop and looked out at the view. The sun had almost completely sunk below the horizon and stars had begun to appear. Blaise lay his head on Kai's shoulder. Kai looked down at him and saw Blaise smiling, eyes closed. Kai leaned his head on top of Blaise and sighed happily. The air was cool, but Kai shed heat like a radiator. So there they sat, in a ball of heat, cuddling each other like the gay ass bitches they are. Then Kai felt something strange. The roof they were sitting on seemed to tremble. Kai sat up. Blaise sat up as well. 

"Kai? Kai what is it?" asked Blaise. 

"Something's wrong." Then he felt it again, stronger this time. This time Blaise felt it too. 

"What was that?" he asked, hints of panic in his voice. 

"I don't know, but it can't be good." The ground continued to shake. 

"Kai... Kai what's happening?" Blaise cried, his breathing speeding up. Suddenly the ground lurched. Blaise screamed as he lost his grip and fell off the roof. 

"Blaise!" Without thinking, Kai jumped after him. He launched himself off the roof and down after Blaise. He reached out his hands and sped towards him. He could just barely hear his boyfriend screaming over the wind rushing past him. Then he had an idea. He straightened his arms by his sides and shot bursts of flame. He flew down towards Blaise like a rocket. As soon as they collided, Blaise wrapped his arms around him. Kai did the same, and for a moment they embraced. Then Kai looked at him and yelled over the wind.

"Well, we're gonna die!" 

"Maybe not," Blaise yelled back. He pointed to the rapidly approaching water below. "If we're lucky, we'll hit the water instead of the rocks!" Kai looked at him, fear in his eyes. 

"There's just one small problem!" he yelled to him, squeezing Blaise's hand tighter. 

"What's that?"

"I can't swim!" Blaise's eyes widened with realization. Then they hit the water. The force of the impact almost knocked him unconscious. He began to sink to the bottom. He didn't even try to resist his fate. He closed his eyes, and the water flooded his lungs. 


He coughed. What? Where am I? Am I dead? He heard a voice calling out to him. It was saying his name. He opened his eyes. A bright light temporarily blinded him. He reached up his arm to cover his eyes. 

"Kai!" a voice was saying. He looked around for the source of the voice. The room was spinning, he couldn't focus. "Kai!" He squinted. A face came into his view. 

"Blaise...?" he mumbled. Blaise smiled.

"Hey hot stuff," he said sweetly. "It's me. You're okay."

"You saved me," realized Kai. Blaise nodded. Kai reached a hand up to touch Blaise's cheek. 

"Thanks, boo-bear," he said softly. He slowly sat up and looked around. There were people all around him. He saw Hermione, Draco, Harry, and even Pansy among them. 

"Boo-bear, I like that," commented Blaise. They stared into each other's eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. And his lips... He gently pulled his boyfriend's face closer. Blaise knelt on the ground next to his cot. He's so beautiful. I'm so tired... Someone coughed. He turned and saw Pansy looking awkwardly at the two of them. He sighed. 

"How did I end up here?" he asked.

"I brought you here after the ground stopped shaking," Blaise explained. 

"It really was some earthquake," Hermione commented. 

"I've never experienced one that big," Harry agreed. Suddenly Kai made a connection. 

"Has anyone seen Cole?" he asked in panic. Everyone shook their heads. Shit. Ignoring all common sense, he leapt off his cot. "We have to find Cole!" He began to run out of the room. Madam Pomfrey stepped in front of him blocking his path. 

"You're not leaving yet," she demanded. "You're ill." Kai was not having it.

"Move!" he roared setting his hair on fire. He shoved his way through the groups of people. 

"Babe! Wait for me!" He stopped and turned to see Blaise running after him. He smiled and waited for him to catch up. Once he had reached him, he continued running. "Why do we need to find Cole?"

"He's the only one that could cause something like this!"


"He's got powers too. Just like I have fire, and Nya has water. He has earth! Only he could cause an earthquake of that scale!" He rounded a corner and started down the stairs. When he came to a broken staircase, he leapt the gap casually. He paused when he heard Blaise call after him. 

"Um, buttercup? I can't do that, remember?" Kai turned around and held out his arms. 

"Just jump, I promise I'll catch you!" 

"I can't jump that far!"

"It'll be fine, sweetie! I promise I'll catch you!"

"But what if I miss the jump?"

"You can do it, ladybug!" Blaise sighed and backed up. He got a running start and leapt off the stairs. He jumped a bit short, but Kai grabbed his hand. "I got you!" Blaise looked up at him, terror on his face as he dangled over the edge. Kai carefully pulled him up onto solid ground. Blaise lay on the staircase, breathing heavily. "Cuddlebug you did it!" He hugged him happily. 

"Hey king?"

"Yeah darling?"

"Never make me do that again." Kai laughed. 

"I won't." He helped him up. "Come on. We have to get to Cole." They ran down the stairs until they reached the great hall. Kai threw open the doors. He saw Cole hunched over a table, and Nya holding up a broken and bleeding Lloyd. "WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK HAPPENED HERE?" His friends turned to look at him. They were a mess. Cole's hands were splintered and bleeding and his eyes were red from what Kai could only assume had been some intense crying. Nya looked exhausted, tears were still flowing down her face and her arms were scratched and bruised. But his little brother Lloyd was the worst of all.  Lloyd had purple blood dripping down his face, his wrist was swollen, and his leg was bent at an odd angle. "OH MY FSM LLOYD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

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