Sneaking In/It's Not Her Fault

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After the turtles went home as they were sneaking in the sewer quietly, whispering back and forth to his brothers and the light came on by their rat father splinter who was worried sick about them and freaking out all night.

"Boys, where have you been? I've been freaking out!" Splinter said in panicked as his sons came up with lots of excuses, lying to him about everything.

"We're sorry dad!" Leo apologized.

"It was a lot of traffic!" Donnie said.

"It was a cat! You know, I'm scared of cats!" Mikey said as they begin to put the groceries down and headed to the direction of their room.

"Wait a second! You said that you would go shopping and come right back! Where were you?" Splinter asked suspiciously as he narrowed his eyes at his sons.

"Um, uh!" Donnie stuttered.

"Nothing happened!" Mikey said looking all innocent as Leo just ratted his brothers out already.

"Look, we're really sorry splinter! Some of the guys wanted to see a movie and I've tried to talk them out of it!" Leo said as he shrugged his shoulders up while twiddling his fingers.

"Leo!!" They cried out as splinter stood up from his chair.

"What? You've watched a movie with a human! Yuck!" Splinter said disgusted as he sticks his tongue out.

"You ratted us out!" Mikey said.

"Hey! Don't use that word that way!" Splinter snapped at him as his brothers reminded him for it.

"It's 2023 Mikey!" Raph whispers.

"Sorry dad!" Mikey apologized.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, we just watched a movie and came back! We're fine!" Donnie said as he shrugged his shoulders up and looked at his dad.

Splinter walked towards to them and reminded them about how humans are terrible. "Hmm, you forgot? Why humans are so evil and dangerous creatures? Why they want to kill us? Drain our blood?" He asked as the boys groaned in annoyance about that part.

"We don't even have nipples!" Raph said in frustration as splinter held up his paws in front of his sons but he knew that he had to remind them about this over and over again since he didn't like humans.

"You know what? I'm gonna tell you about it anyway!" The rat said as he told his sons about their origin story from 15 years ago and how they got created by the green ooze stuff.

After the backstory ended as splinter was so stressed and strict about his boys so much since they only the ones he got as family as the boys were sitting at the table while Mikey played with the ninja star.

"That's why I'm so strict and stressed out about you boys besides your all that I have and always will be!" Splinter said gently as Mikey narrowed his eyes at his dad.

"You don't know that?" Mikey asked as he continued to play with the ninja star.

"I do! But do you know any mutants my age and I check every day!" Splinter said as he sighed and decided to ground his boys for a month. "I didn't want to do this, but no leaving the sewers for one month!"

"Seriously?" Mikey asked as the boys got grounded.

"Yes! I've made up my mind!" Splinter said as Raph got angry and stood up from his seat with a mad look on his face.

"This sucks!" Raph said angrily as Leo tried to stop him but he ignored him.

"Raph, come on!" Leo said gently.

"Shut up Leo!" Raph said.

Leo just stood there but Mikey walked pass him with a sad frown on his face while Donnie got mad at him as well.

"Was it worth it Mr Leader?" Donnie mumbled to him as he walked pass him with his arms crossed and Leo looked back at his father, he sighed as he went to his room with his brothers.

Everything was quiet in the sewers as the water drips through the pipes and the boys were still up, holding their phones in their hands as the light shines on them.

"Hey guys, if we weren't monsters who were shunned by society and we couldn't do what we wanted, what would you guys do?" Mikey asked his brothers as they were being honest about it.

"Go to high school!" Raph replied.

"Maybe get a girlfriend!" Leo said.

"Honestly, I just want to be normal!" Donnie said as he didn't have his headphones on yet and they continued with the conversation.

"Yeah, but I like you guys and all! It's just that I gotta get out the sewers and I want to be able to do everything with living a happy life before I die!" Raph said as Leo suggested that they stop talking about it because it was never gonna happen.

"Well, guess what guys? It's never gonna happen anyway so let's go to sleep and stop talking about it!" Leo said as Donnie put on his headphones and they turned their phones off, drifting to sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile, at an old abandoned hideout with different several rooms as Velo looked around the living room, she quickly ran pass the bedroom but she got stopped by her older brother superfly.

"Velo, come here!" Superfly said angrily as she sighed and knew that she was busted from coming home so late.

"Hey Fly, what's up?" Velo asked nervously as he wasn't gonna fall for the innocent act that she was trying to play.

"You know damn well what's up? I see you coming home late and not only that you was supposed to cook dinner for us since we're family, but instead you just want to do your own stupid stuff while you're out!" He shouted out as Velo got mad at him for treating her like that.

"Ugh, dang it Fly! You don't need to keep treating me like I'm your slave or something, you really don't have any respect for me at all! You shouldn't have to end up being a pathetic and toxic brother treating me like you own me but right now at this moment... YOU REALLY DON'T!!" Velo snapped at him which superfly got pissed off about her attitude and suddenly slapped her across the face, making her fall to the ground.

Superfly walked up to her, aggressively grabbing her by the cheeks with his claw and giving the eye contact with him as tears messing up her black mascara, she struggled to stop crying.

"Now, you damn listen to me Velo, I'm the oldest brother whether you like it or not, but you ain't gonna be raising your voice at me since you live under my roof, I make the rules for you and if you talk back at me again then their will be severe consequences!" He said aggressively as he grabbed her by the arm. "Get up and wipe off that nasty mascara off your eyes, you little disgusted freak!"

Mondo watched the whole thing from his own bedroom and superfly looked at him from the living room.

"Dude, your being too hard on her! She's only 13 year old!" Mondo said as the mutant fly scoffed at him with a chuckle.

"Look Mondo, she's needs to be taught a valuable lesson from me if she gets an attitude with me then I'll teach her a lesson!" He said seriously tone as mondo didn't like the sound of that. Velo was in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, she felt disgusted with the mascara on but she didn't care about what her older brother thinks.

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