He's Just No Good For You

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Velo had fun watching the stars with Raph as she came back home while Superfly pulled her up close, yanking her arm with his claw; threw her against the wall on purpose as she looked frightening by the outburst by her older brother.

"YOU DIDN'T THINK THAT I'VE FOUND OUT ABOUT YOU KISSING A MUTANT TURTLE!!" He snapped at her as she started to get confused on this.

"What? How did you know?" Velo asked as she scooted up against the wall with the other mutant heard yelling and came out of their bedrooms to see Superfly and Velo arguing again.

"I'm not damn stupid Velo! I was trying to look for you during the night and after that I saw you kissing him! I hope you not falling in love with him either!" Superfly said angrily.

"Okay, so what if I am in love with Raph? Besides he likes my music, my tomboy style, he even loves it when I wear black mascara on, he thinks that I'm beautiful!" Velo yelled at her brother which the fly mutant thinks that this turtle is just messing with his sister's feelings or just trying to use her.

"Velo, don't trust this fool! He probably just using you so he could just ruin my plans that I have coming up soon!" Superfly said angrily.

Even though superfly doesn't know Raph, Velo knows that Raph isn't like that but he would never mess with her feelings; ever since she met him and his brothers the other night, he been so sweet and kind to her, complementing her, doing the first duet of the song with her.

"Raph would never mess with my feelings or use me for anything, but you can't control my life any longer Fly!" Velo said in anger as she started to stood up for her feelings for Raph.

Superfly narrowed his eyes, and spoke. "Yes I can control your life! Like I said before I own you!"

"No, you don't! I can do whatever I want, like go out on dates with Raph, singing my songs and do concerts at night time!" Velo said in anger.

"You know, what? I'll prove to you that he's just no good for you, then you would want to stay here for the rest of your life!" Superfly said as he slapped her across the face like he always do every time when they both argue with each other.

Velo got mad as she stood up from the ground, storming off to her room and she slammed the door hard. However, she didn't want to live here anymore because superfly kept on abusing her every night; Velo couldn't take it anymore.

The teen lizard girl called Raph on her phone, she told him that she wanted to help him and his brothers and April find out what superfly plans were soon.

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