Eastman High School

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The boys climbed through ladder of the buildings from the rooftops and sees April standing there with her bag. She was actually surprised that they showed up in time.

"Hey, you guys made it and that seems very dangerous to me!" April said as they started walking.

"Oh that? Nah, we eat danger for breakfast!" Leo said as Mikey holding a slice of pizza in his hand.

"Actually, I eat my pizza with bits of waffles on it!" Mikey said as they heard a voice from behind them and turned around to see Velo wearing a brand new outfit.

Velo's New Outfit:

Her hair was down like always, she was still wearing her black mascara because she wanted to look pretty for Raph, hopefully he'll notice it and he did

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Her hair was down like always, she was still wearing her black mascara because she wanted to look pretty for Raph, hopefully he'll notice it and he did.

"Wow! Velo, you look great! I'm liking your style starbright!" Raph said as he winked at her which caused her to blush and giggle.

"Thanks Raph, I really appreciate it!" Velo said gently as they walked up the steps of the school building as April suggested that they go inside.

"Okay, come on in!" April said gently.

"Really? We can just go in there?" Mikey pointed out in a curious way.

"Of course!" April said as she opened the doors, leading them into the school. "Welcome to Eastman High!"

The boys and Velo were impressed that the school had everything like water fountains, posters, lockers and other stuff. Velo thought this could be her dream to go to school here and perform music concerts.

"This is really strange though, I can't believe you guys actually wanna go to high school!" April said.

"Yeah, we really want to!" Raph said as Velo nodded in agreement.

"Me too!" Velo said in happiness. "But don't you love high school, April?" She asked her human friend.

"Well, I'm not like the most popular one but I'm more of a well-liked person!" April said as she looks at her friends and spoke. "But don't worry about me, is this living up to your dreams?" She asked them.

"No! It's even better!" Donnie said as he spotted anime stickers on the locker that surprised him. "Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, who's ever locker this is, likes anime! I don't know even know this person and they got more than anyone ever has!"

Velo gasps and sees a poster that says 'rock n roll music band club' as she takes a good look at it.

"Whoa! I should totally sign up for this someday, it's the perfect club for me!" Velo said in happiness as her eyes started to shape like stars.

"Oh my gosh! Improv tryouts, I've gotta sign up for it, this is amazing!" Mikey said as he took the pen that was attached to the string but Leo stopped him.

"Mikey, what are you doing? We don't even go here!" Leo replied.

"Not yet! The tryouts isn't until two weeks, so we can get enrolled by then!" Mikey said as he started to read the poster on the wall and knowing that he needed a last name to sign up for this. "It says we need a last name to sign up! Wait, what's our last name?" He asked while looking at his brothers and his friend Velo.

Leo was puzzled by the question. "I've never really thought about that actually, I don't know!"

"Do, we not have last names?" Raph asked.

"Who are we?" Donnie asked.

"It's okay, I'll just break it up!" Mikey said as he signed up for it already, breaking up his full name. "Michael Angelo! Hey, I'm Michael Angelo! Perfecto!"

"That makes you Leo Nardo!" Raph said.

"No it doesn't!" Leo said as they started to burst into laughter and Velo was also laughing as well.

"Nardo!" Donnie said with laughter.

"Guys, Lay Off on Nardo, he's sensitive!" April said as she just smiled.

"Most definitely!" Velo said with laughter as Leo decided to stop the teasing when he spotted a locker that had the worst nickname it said puke girl on it.

"Hey, at least I'm not puke girl! That is a bad nickname!" Leo said with a little laughter as they all looked at the locker.

"Hey, we don't know if that says puke girl, it could say poke girl! Maybe this girl just likes tuna!" April said as she pretended that she doesn't know this person. But when the turtles and Velo looked up to see the words that said 'April O Puke' with a barf emoji on the locker it started to make sense to them.

"Oh my god!" Raph gasps and pointed out. "Are you puke girl?"

Velo was the first one to start laughing already because it was so funny to her that April was puke girl.

"She's puke girl!" Mikey said with laughter as April was gonna explain this situation to them about it even though it was embarrassing.

"Alright, listen I told you that I've always wanted to be a journalist ever since I was young; so I thought I could do the morning announcements and it didn't go so well!" She explained as she got really nervous being on camera while she started to sweat a little bit. "I don't know...the camera and the feeling of anxiety got to me, I'd felt like I was gonna explode!"

"You didn't?" Leo asked with Raph and Velo smiling.

"I did!" April said as she closed her eyes and looked away for a few seconds then showed them a few edit videos of her puking and it all went viral on social media. "I'd went viral on social media! But I thought if I could get information to find superfly, so I could remain firmly off camera and be known for something cool instead of-"

"What being puke girl? Hmm, you don't want that anymore?" Raph asked with a sheepish smile on his face and Leo just hit his shoulder to make Raph to stop teasing her about it.

"Fine, go ahead and laugh!" April said as she turned away from them.

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