Meeting Superfly And The Mutants

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The boys and Velo were shocked to see a mutant walking towards them while they were in the van and the headlights shines through in the middle of superfly and his crew of other mutants standing next to him.

"Yo, come on y'all let's get the goods!" Superfly said as he flew up in front of the van, ripping out the windshield and the turtles started screaming because they thought that he was gonna attack them.

"Ahhhhhh!" The turtles screamed in fear.

"No, no Fly! Stop, their my friends that I told you about!" Velo explained as superfly looked at them.

"What the? Velo wasn't lying when she told me about you tortoises! Look at ya!" He said as he got off the van and standing by his crew. "Y'all adorable man! Looks like bad Bernie got some turtles on the payroll!"

"No, we don't work for Bernie! We're here to find you!" Leo said as they took a few steps closer to them.

"I can't believe they are other mutants! Like us!" Donnie exclaimed.

"So, I'm guessing that these mutants are your siblings?" Raph asked Velo while she nodded her head.

"Yep!" Velo said.

"Whoa! This is wild, I mean like crazy! So let me guess, 15 years ago right? Some sludge was dumped in the sewer and y'all came from that?" Superfly asked the turtles as he guessed it right.

"Well, we prefer the term ooze, but yeah!" Raph said. Superfly narrowed his eyes at the red mask turtle with a missing tooth, he figured that this is the turtle that his sister was in love with.

"You must be Raph? Man, I've doubt that you don't even like my sister at all! If you were to trick her that is!" He said suspiciously as red mask turtle got confused.

"What are you talking about? I do like Velo a lot!" Raph said as the fly mutant scoffed and he was gonna prove the point to his sister.

"See Fly, he's being honest!" Velo said gently.

"I've doubt it!" Superfly said in a serious tone. "Anyway, I like ooze! So look, the same ooze made me okay? My dad Baxter Stockman he's the one who dumped the ooze down the drain baby! So technically we cousins!"

The turtles got excited about it and find out that they were related to the other mutants and superfly.

"We're related!" Leo said with joy.

"We're cousins!" Donnie said.

"I've always wanted a cousin!" Mikey said as he smiles and shows his braces on his teeth.

"Well, guess what? You gotta a bunch! Let me introduce you to my crew! This is Rocksteady and bebop, Wing Nut, Leatherhead, mondo Gecko, scumbug, Ray Fillet, and Genghis Frog!" He introduced his crew to the turtles as they think that Genghis Frog was really adorable to them.

"Awww look at the little fella!" Leo said.

"I know right? He so cute!" Velo said as she walked towards to her little brother Genghis frog and patted him on the head.

"Don't patronize me!" Genghis Frog said. Mondo came up to the turtles and started to hug them while Velo giggled.

"What's up dudes? One thing about me is that I'm a hugger!" Mondo said.

"Yep! My brother hugs everyone that he meets!" Velo said with a smile as she crossed her arms.

"I think he's pretty cool! I like his vibe!" Mikey said as they looked at each other since they had so much in common.

"I like your vibe!" Mondo said.

"I like your vibe!" Mikey said.

"I like your vibe!" Mikey and mondo said at the same time.

Superfly was annoyed by it. "Mondo quit hugging everybody!"

"Yeah, don't you remember why we're here? The story!" Leo reminded Mikey about as they stayed focused on the mission while Velo walked back to the turtles.

"Listen, we heard that you were building a weapon!" Donnie said as superfly got confused by that.

"Weapon?" He asked.

"Yeah Fly, besides you never tell me anything about that part!" Velo said in a serious tone. It's a good thing that he wasn't gonna hit her in front of the turtles, but he narrowed his eyes at his sister.

"Oh, I ain't building no weapon because weapons kill! What I'm building is? Will create!" He said in a serious tone as Mikey liked the sound of it.

"Okay, I'm leaning in on this!" Mikey said.

"What are you building?" Leo asked in concerned.

"If we gonna chat, let's go somewhere more fun!" Superfly said.

He lead them to a bowling alley and they were all having fun playing arcade games and eating pizza. However, superfly saw Velo hugging Raph while the fly scoffed and he was still gonna prove the point about Raph.

While, they were eating pizza and talking to each other; superfly told the turtles about his backstory and his evil plan to kill all the humans on earth. Once they were outside, superfly was gonna activate the machine tonight at his hideout. The turtles and Velo didn't like the sound of his plan at all, they needed to get the device before it happens.

"Listen Velo, you don't have to go with superfly!" Raph stepped away from the mutants so that he can talk to Velo alone.

"What do you mean?" Velo asked. Raph took her hands into his and looked into her eyes because he thinks that it would be great for her to come with him and his brothers.

"It's just that I don't want him to treat you so badly! He may be your oldest brother but he can't push you around anymore!" Raph said gently as she looks at him with a frown on her face.

"Raph, I don't have anywhere else to go!" Velo said.

"Then come with me and my brothers besides you'll be safe and I'll take care of you!" Raph suggested that she comes with him instead of going back with her mutant siblings.

"Okay, I'll come with you!" Velo said in happiness.

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