Doing This For The Wrong Reason

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Back at the lab as the boys heard something coming from the vents and they were really happy that their dad came to get them out of here.

"Boys!" Splinter said as he saw them.

"Dad!" They cried out.

"Stay back everyone! Stay back, I'm just here for my boys who lied to me! They are in so much trouble right now!" Splinter said as he stepped towards the police guards who aimed their guns at the rat.

"Oh is that so ratatouille? Grab another machine and hook him up like the others!" Police guard said as splinter had a mad look on his face, getting ready to fight.

"Don't call me ratatouille!" He said in a serious tone. Splinter started to fight off the guards with his fighting skills as he knocked out several of them, then some more of the police guards came towards him and shocked the rat with a Taser as the boys got worried about it before splinter used his son's weapons to knock out the guards. Splinter pulled the lever on the control panel as it releases their wrists and ankles.

"Dad!" They cried out as they embrace their father with hugs.

"Are you boys okay?" He asked.

"Yeah! We're good!" Donnie said.

"How did you find us?" Leo asked, smiling at his dad as they heard a noise coming from the vent and April stood up from the ground.

"Listen, I'd be a big piece of crap if I didn't at least try to get your dad to come help you!" She said as she shrugged her shoulders up and the turtles were really happy to see her.

"April!" Leo cried out as Raph and Mikey give her a fist pump with a smile on their faces and Donnie was also smiling.

"Didn't see that coming!" Donnie said in happiness.

"This human told me that you lied to me! What happened? What have you been doing?" Splinter asked in anger to his sons as they started lying to him again.


Splinter looked at the machine, wondering what it was for himself.

"Wait a minute! What is this machine?" He asked as he saw the words in font written in silver color. "Does that say milking machine?"

"No, no!"

"It's a milking machine!" April answered.

Splinter knew that would happen. "See? I told you, they've milked you!"

"I'm actually gonna puke!" She said nervously as splinter got mad with his sons for lying to him this whole time and living the sewer without telling him.

"Boys, you left the sewer and got milked! Helping some evil flyman create a machine that's going to destroy the world and kill all the good humans, so we're going to clean up your mess and go home and stay there forever, okay?" He asked in anger.

"What about April's story?" Leo asked.

"Forget the story!" Splinter said, shaking his head. "April, go home it's over, okay?"

Raph didn't want to forget about Velo because him and his know that superfly was abusing her back at the hideout. However, Raph knew that he had to tell his dad about Velo.

"Dad, there's this mutant lizard girl named Velo that we've met and I'd fell in love with her but she-" Raph got cut off by his dad as he held up his paws in front of him.

"Whoa! Wait a minute! When did this happen?" Splinter asked in suspiciously with his son.

"A few weeks ago! But Velo been going through some stuff, I've gotta make sure that she's okay!" Raph said gently as splinter started to not be okay with this at all.

"Absolutely not, Raphael! Because after that you and your brothers lied to me, you are never gonna see her again! Ever!" He shouted out as Raph got mad at him about it but he didn't want to forget about her.

"Dad, you can't do this besides you just don't understand what she's going through! I can't just forget about her!" Raph yelled.

"You're gonna forget about her whether you like it or not! There's only one way for you to feel safe and happy and that's if you listen to me! Now let's go!" Splinter said in anger. The boys were never gonna be normal, get accepted by humans and Raph knew that he was never gonna see Velo anymore.

Leo faces April, and talking to her. "Sorry, we couldn't help you get prom uncanceled!"

"Nah it's alright, seeing you guys making so many mistakes just to get people to like you made me realize that I was definitely doing this for the wrong reason!" April said as they went different ways to their directions while the boys went to go fix their mistake.

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