Volume 1 Welcome First years

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Jack Pov

my dad came back home late i know the new school year was about to start but i wasn't sure what he was doing especialy since he was in a rush with goodwitch or atleast she was i used the oppertunity to look around his office and the school but i had found nothing so today i was walking towards his office after i took the elevator  and opened the door i would say "hello father what was going on yesterday..." he would respond with "just some villain and thugs robbing a dust store down in the city anyway i assume you won't stay in your room and study today especialy with the new school year coming so i have a few chores i want you to do"

i respond with "want me to set everything up for the new students in the forest and then hand out there books and such including making up their dorms sure miss velvet was going to show me pictures she took anyway and help me studying once she ate but luckily i can move this down to late in the night im still not sure why people are so nice to me" my father would respond with "cause they see you allot troughout the school remember you know team coffee for a year now bassicly plus not everybody are nice to faunus because off the white fang now go the bullhead is coming soon"

i would sigh and take the elevator down as i meet up with professor port he would say "ah good morning jack hey if you are not busy could you find me a grimm for tomorrows class to discuss as long as it fits in the school and doesn't cause too much trouble please" i would nod and say "no problem professor port i will work on it tomorrow while the students get there teams made i should be able to find some grimm then or i will do it right before your class" i would walk off heading the storage room as i grab the first years book my fater pre ordered and starts putting each of them into a dorm room

i would also prepare the beds i then run into velvet as she would say "oh they you are jack i was looking for you" i respond with "sorry my father asked me to do some stuff for the new first years so i might be busy for today and tomorrow but we can study at night if you wish" she would respond with "allright then i will wait in your room at 10" i nod as she walks off i proceed to finish majority off the stuff and i decide to take a walk outside but i would hear screaming as i look over and see a girl with white hair and a girl with a red hood "oh it's one of the schnee"

i would spot that some off the dust was leaking out off her suitcase and rush over and stop the other girl from sneezing to prevent a explosion "miss schnee you should have your butlers carry the dust there is no need to bring this much on day 1" i then turn to the other girl and say "and you...." i would get lost in her silver eyes as the girl would say "Y-yes i-am sorry it was just well um" i respond with "just try looking where you walk next time aside that i think that boy over there could use these" i hand her a pack of peppermints and then point at the blonde boy talking with a guy who had 3 swords as she turns around and says "thanks what is yo" 

i respond with "i gotta go sorry" and with that i leave

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