I Finaly Found You....

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Jack Pov

i would wake up still tired from playing just dance with ruby i look over at the egg which still had not hatched yet i got up and groan i simple head down to ooblecks room knocking on the door saying "professor you there..." he opens the door and says "what do you need my boy" i respond with "some strong coffee did not have much sleep..." he nods as he would let me in and pours me and himself a cup as we chuck it down as oobleck would ask "Seconds?" i respond with "give me thirds and fourths today is a important day remember" oobleck laughs and pours in more cups

once i finish up i walk down to hallway were kyle tells me to keep eye on cinder mecurry and emerald and that i should wait and not act i hated his help i hated him so i simple said nothing and kept going i only hated him cause off the way dad treated him he acted like kyle is so important yet he has done nothing really so far even if it was for stuff in the future why did he not tell me i was his own son after all i scoff as i went to the cafeteria to eat sun decides to come sit with me and with neptune who did not look too good as i ask "what happened to him?"

sun would respond with "oh kyle beat him up for being a womaniser" i sigh and say "if a student has problems you should report that to me...regardless i assume its about the dance and weiss?" neptune would nod as i continue eating and say "i will just talk to it about my dad anyway neptune you kinda deserved it just apolegise to weiss and then stop at the infirmary aside that goodluck at the tournament you 2" i finish my food and got up heading to my fathers office as coco would wrap her arm around me and say "you sure you don't wanna join us for the vytal festival come on you arealdy seen it happen why not join just once" 

i respond with "if i join it's either as student off beacon academy or cause off other reasons sorry coco but i gotta act as the security i can't fight anyway goodluck to you and velvet" coco lets me go as i would simple text ruby goodluck i was hoping beacon could win this year i eventualy arrive in the office as my father says "any problems jack?" i would respond with "no not for the festival atleast but kyle attacked neptune for being a womaniser it's related to the dance off yesterday regardless these actions should not be taken by students cardin winchester and his team was a drifent story but neptune is a geust we can't treat them this way so what should i do" 

my father would respond with "nothing i will talk to mr branwen about it" i grunt as i say "it's easy to just tell me father but fine whatever you wished" i leave and go downstairs punching the elevator as it went down being angry before i would breathe in and out calming down slowly i simple start helping with preparing and such eventualy the first round comes i would make sure my father is not around the school as i head back to his office and start exploring going trough his stuff to find any kind off information  i would sit down after being able to find nothing

"tch i explored the whole school and his office and i still found nothing the only place i have not searched yet is...." i would look at the elevator it was the only option i had left i got up and entered the elevator again and started pushing around the entire thing closing my eyes and focusing "come on if dad taught you one thing its to find out what to do in a situation where you can't think off options you find the secret option..." eventualy i could feel something and after some more digging i find a secret button which i press as it starts heading down more then before

the door opens as i walk out and im in some huge area below the school "i knew it....he was hiding something from me after alll not even capable off trusting your own son..." i decide to explore around  this was one big area i geuss it was some sort off vault i eventualy spot something up ahead and head towards it as i see it was some sort off save pod people use when evacuating a ship or airplane i would see a person inside a woman why she was inside i was not sure what it was or why a woman was in it but after looking she seemed to be on life support

i would then hear footsteps and decide to hide i barely manage to find a place as i could hear the voices off my dad goodbitch ironwood and pyrrha as my dad would explain the story off the maidens and their powers  and they actualy existed and had magic he planned for pyrrha to become the next fall maiden which then made me questions lots off things about my father even wondering if he truthly is my father so many things rushing trough my head eventualy the 5 of them leave i completely forgot about the new voice that was there he sounded rough and raspy

i simply take the elevator back upstairs and go watch the fight off team ruby needing to think about allot off things

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