A New Discovery

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Jack Pov

i would be sitting in my room doing homework "dam it coco i tried to help and now she gives me stuff to do god i hate it here sometimes can't even figure out what dad is hiding but the vytal festival is coming up and beacon is hosting it this time which means he will be to busyand i can figure out what he is not telling me..." i would groan cause this work was too dam boring but aside from chores and training it was the only thing i had to do here i would decide to take a break and head back into the forest with some cans off water to water the seeds i planted

while i was at it i climbed into a tree and grabbed a apple taking a bite out off it "sour..." i could hear a beowolf coming my way as i throw the apple at it infusing some off my aura into it as it hits its head straight on i while it was flinched a bit i had jumped up and axe kick it into the ground before i grab its jaw and use what port taught me and disolocates the grimms jaw before ripping it off as it just laid there i grab another apple and eat it "much better" i would then come across a cave and would walk into it "i got nothing better to do so i might as well make sure there are no more beringels in either forest..."

i would start with forever fall forest using what i learned to sneak around the grimm and not get into too many fights i would even enter within the caves and hold my breathe which i had been practising ever since that time velvet told me about this 1 mission involving water where Yatsu ended up in water fighting some grimm  he even had to hold his breathe for a bit so i am able to hold my breathe atleast 5 minutes 7 if i stretched it i would be moving along the wall or climbing the roof avoiding deathstalkers i explore every bit of forever fall forest and find no beringal even

using some off ports lessons to look for trails off it but nothing i then move onto emerald forest the search was going great "no sign off the be-" i would then feel myself get smacked in the back straight into a tree as i grunt and turn around seeing a tajitu grimm "snakes...why does it have to be fucking snakes also known as the most stealthiest grimm in the forest..." it would charge at me as i would jump out off the way as it went straight trough the tree its other head coming at me as it would bite down on me but i would quickly posistion myself as i would grab the sides off its mouth and hold them open "i regret not picking a weapon sometimes dam it!"

i could see the second head coming my way as i would lower my arms and curl in my legs before spreading them again and and doing a frontflip sliding down the snakes body from the head making the 2 off them bite eachother causing some damage as i land and start running away again the snakes following me as i would use the trees to slow them down or atleast make them tie themself up by taking sharp turns which fails as i would speed up and jump grab a branch flipping myself as i kick the black head on the gem making it screech in pain smacking its head around as the white one comes from the side

not sure how i was gonna beat it i rush at it as it opens its mouth and i jump straight into it as i then start to rapid punch it while running down the body using my aura infusement to land some strong punches i would eventualy come out off the other sides the entire grimm in pain as i would plan to rip off one off its fangs using all my strenght veins appearing all over my body as i pull out the fang and stab it into the white ones eye and finish off the black one as i would go back to where it hit me and am curious why it attacked me as i would search around a bit

and find a egg suprisingly "grimms lay eggs i don't recall port talking about that i should probaly ask him..." and so after carefully sneaking inside beacon and heading to ports classroom i would open the door "uh professor you here?" he would respond with "what can i do for you young boy?" i respond with "i found this thing and im not sure if its even alive" i would show him the egg as he would get up and inspect it as he says "is that a grimm egg never seen 1 before but very intresting well i would say we should probaly try to see if it can hatch like a normal snake egg is it okay if i hold onto it until it hatches?"

i would respond with "i would prefer not i rather not have somebody accidentally kill it like cardin winchester for example i will just keep it in my room its isolated away from the others and only i got the key to it ontop off that i always have my windows closed if it hatches i will tell you professor" he would nod and respond with "allright boy but please becarefull i don't know if the grimm are born killers we assumed they were try to not be negative or let any negative people near you it might speed up the hatching progress and attack instantly"  i would not "thanks professor"

and with that i have professor port help me bring the egg to my room as i keep it nice and warm with my blankets and have it lay on my pillow i don't use my bed for majority off the day anyway i do have a entire couch in my room i decided to just rest and messaged velvet i would be studying on my own for a while and she didn't mind she even said she was helping kyle with things so i was lucky 

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