I Will Protect Them!

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Ruby Pov

i see jaune kill the grimm as i shout "nice job jaune!" i was not sure who left it behind weakened but they could have atleast killed it but suddenly i hear jaune shout "ruby look out!" i turn and see this guy with a scorpion tail punch me as i fall off the building onto the ground grunting as my aura would be gone as the guy jumps down saying "oh look what i found a girl with pretty eyes cinder talked about you heh i can't wait to see her face when i bring back your head" i would get up and hold cresent rose ready as jaune says "you shouldn't fight with no aura ruby leave this guy to me"

"b-but jaune if he is with cinder he's dangerous" jaune would look at me and say "i don't care im going to protect my teammates this time" i could see it in jaune his eyes that he was serious about this was this why he zoned out earlier too i respond with "a-allright please becareful.." jaune nods and starts fighting the faunus as he shouts "what is your name and who do you work for!" the faunus responds with "oh me im tyrian and my misstres she does not want bugs to know her name" i would watch jaune and tyrian fight jaune trying his best but he was losing

i would slowly get up as jaune says "i got this ruby don't worry!" i question why jaune was so serious about fighting this guy i watched my friend be repeatedly attack but he eventualy got a cut on tyrian pushing him back tyrian saying "how dare you cut me you brat!" he would start rapidly attacking jaune again tyrian was faster then jaune and his fighting style was confusing as i see jaunes aura shatter as tyrian would head towards me now having kicked jaunes weapons away i would hold cresent rose ready to fight but suddenly tyrian is punched in the face by jaune

"i'm not done yet!" jaune shouted while he throws a kick to tyrians stomach making the guy stumble backwards but he would stab jaune with his tail and says "im gonna let you suffer from my poison while your friend dying" i couldn't watch anymore as i use my semblance and slam the back of cresent rose into tyrians face "don't worry jaune we will get out of here together" i would launch myself at tyrian with a bullet and swing cresent rose at him which he deflects as he tries stabbing me with his tail to i kick it away and use another bullet to swing down on him

tyrian would backflip i quickly reload by inserting fire dust into cresent rose and start pulling the tricker shooting at him tyrian would use his blades to cut trough the bullets and deflect them some land but he would start running out off line of my fire i quickly lift cresent rose up and start rapidly attack tyrian trying my best to shatter his aura i would then be cut across the stomach making me stumble back as tyrian would rapidly attack me but i spin cresent rose with both my hands blocking the attacks as i stumble backwards eventualy tripping over a rock and fall down

tyrian shouting "now give me that pretty head off yours!" i would close my eyes in fear but i hear metal clashing as i open my eyes and i couldn't believe it "UNCLE QROW!?" he would push tyrian away before looking towards me and says "whatsup kiddo?" i respond with "not the time for that right now i am um in some trouble right now..." uncle qrow responds with "yeah i know but just trying to lift up your spirit" i smirk and say "allright seeing you again does make me happy" and so my uncle start fighting tyrian it was going back and forth uncle qrow even using his scythe

he also punches tyrian in the face after losing his scythe for a bit and simple starts avoiding tyrians weapons and tail i did not want him to get poisoned so i decide to throw my scythe cutting off tyrians tail as he screams in pain and uncle qrow kicks him in the chest as tyrian would run away afterwards i then hear a noise as i look up and see a bullhead with nora shouting and waving out off i almost falling out but ren catches her and pulls her back in me jaune and uncle qrow get into the bullhead and head to mistral as nora and ren rush jaune to a hospital to treat the poison

"what are you doing here uncle qrow?" he responds with "ah well i was just passing by and heard fighting" i would look at him and say "you can behonest with me ya know if you were waiting for me you could just say so" he would sigh and explain to me that he has magic and that he can become a bird and other stuff (bassicly just what he told her in the show)

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