Eyes To Meet You

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Jack Pov

i would have woken up in my bed "i lost....even after all that" i would sigh and get up as i remember i had to find a grimm for professor port his class i get myself dressed and head into the forest i would simple use my frustration to lure out the grimm it were the usual beowolfs ursas deathstalkers the snakes "ugh nothing intresting dad told me the only rare grimm here the beringal was already slain by kyle but the way how he did it was careless going around it then hitting it.." the logic behind it made sense but not all grimm can get confused some are smarter

"ugh geuss im just mad cause it made my job allot harder" i was meanwhile easily dealing with all the grimm using my strenght and speed advantage ontop off that using my area making the trees fall down ontop off them ofcourse i replanted them afterwards as i would sigh and look on my scroll "i got 4 hours max before ports class 3 normally but since its oobleck first he will talk allot which makes the students tired and they might fall asleep and with detention i can get lucky" i ran off and parkoured my way to a bullhead luckily there was 1 still left as i quickly turn it on and fly off

i put the ship at max speed and flew over to a drifent area as i would land this time i decided to go for a mountain area the flight took 2 hours i had to hurry as i would shout loudly "HEY FUGLY GRIMMS WHERE YA AT!" i then see some rocks going up and down as then a shadow covers me i look up and see a drifent type off grimm that tought to be death "heh this is def gonna do wonders for ports class come follow me big boy!" it would swing down its weapon but i jump to the right and roll out the way before running back to the ship it chasing after me

"how am i gonna get this into the ship god i did not think about that" it was not fitting inside so i had to  fly into it while it was weakened it was catching up with me  as it would throw its weapon i would get a idea since i was getting close a...

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"how am i gonna get this into the ship god i did not think about that" it was not fitting inside so i had to  fly into it while it was weakened it was catching up with me  as it would throw its weapon i would get a idea since i was getting close anyway i gulp as this was gonna cut it close i duck a bit and use the strenght in my legs to jump and hang onto the weapon blood coming out off my mouth as my aura took quite the hit the cyclops picking up his weapon looking if it crushed me but i would jump down from its weapon and axe kick it in the eye making it fall down on the ground

i would whipe the blood off my mouth and quickly use some rope i took with me to tie it up or specifically the hand with the weapon before i enter the bullhead again "i need atleast 5 off these things wait no 10 ah fuck it im making this thing go full throtle!" i would turn on everything that i did not need lights warmth whatever i could and went full gass back to beacon i smirk as my aura was recovering a bit i then see beacon ahead but i can feel the plane violently shake it had woken up as i shout "you got to be kidding me!" i would look out the window

"god dam it...if this continues im gonna drop it somewhere close to the city fuck it we gotta go higher!" i would push the plane to go higher as the cyclops was violently shaking it as i see the fuel was getting low "meh it's not my plane anyway!" once im high enough i hear the rope snap i quickly do a 180 and turn the plan around going downwards luckily i had 2 ropes i had it around my body as i ram the plane into the cyclops head while at the same time jumping out as i was now  free falling  the plane crashing into the forest somewhere i had tied the rope around the cyclops neck and pulled it with all my strenght

i was gliding with it once i linged it up i made a lasso and threw it at the cyclops weapon and catch one off the sharp points  as i then tie it to one off the toes making a anchor as we crash land on the ground the anchor slowing us down as we slide across the ground to professor port his classroom i look at my scroll it had already started as the cyclops had regained concious i did not slam it that hard after all  as it would slow itself down by grabbing the ground as i lost my footing and fly straight through the window and land on the ground down a few rolls and the cyclops right behind me 

i could hear students scream as i look at professor port and do a thumbsup "there is your grimm test subject barely alive..." as professor port would say "w-woah my boy you okay and a cyclops intresting and this one is just a child..." i shout "a child i risked everything for that!" i would just hold my head and groan "professor im going to the med bay please don't tell glynda where i am.." professor port would say "a-allright but uh kyle can you please walk with him!" he would get up and say "just follow me..." i would stumble after him and crack my shoulders and neck

eventualy we arrive in the medic room where i was given some painkillers and layed on a bed before i could hear kyle shout "WAIT A SECOND YOU CAME CRASHING INTO CLASS WITH A FUCKING CYCLOPS!" i respond with "coming from the guy who fought a beringal" kyle would say "allright touche but were you trying to impress a girl there?" i would respond with "no most off them are 3 years older then me anyway.." kyle would say "what about a river of roses" i got up and look at him "don't even try...i could say the same about you and your half sister mister branwen"

kyle would say "how do y-" but he would be cut off by suprisingly ruby coming in with her half sister velvet and the blonde haired boy also known as jaune as velvet would shout "what were you thinking crashing a bullhead down and entering a classroom with a cyclops grimm those things can grow to 18 feet or foot if you prefer that!" i sigh and  try to hide myself under the pillow but velvet would throw it away and stare at me madly "listen my execuse was port asked me to capture a grimm for his class i just didn't know what..."

 jaune would then say "what about a beringal kyle did fight one after all" i respond with "those are not supposed to be in emerald or foreverfall forest" as yang would say "so you 2 fought a cyclops and a beringal alone sick i can't wait to fight you in combat class" ruby would say "jack isn't a student here just a stagair" i would hear heels storming down the hallway and ask "i need you 5 to borrow time for me im not dealing with goodbitch!" kyle would ask "what is so bad about her?" velvet would awnser "she can be strict and she hates disobedient students or kids and the one who causes the most chaos you can geuss it little guy over there" 

as yang would say "he might be little but he sure leaves a bang that is worth a yang!" ruby would facepalm and say "not the time for puns sis..." i tottaly forgot goodwitch was getting closer i got out off bed and when i saw one off her legs i ran for it and threw a blanket over her "YOU NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" and i disepear off into the distance and with that i mean i simple had fox hide me where he hides his secret stash off snacks or other stuff which i accidentally saw him go to once "god ima be stuck here for a day...or 2 or longer.....if only i knew what my semblance was..."

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