A New Comerade?

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Ruby Pov

i would wake up to weiss screaming "Ruby we are gonna be late for class wake up!" i would panick and fall out off bed grunting "i-i am up just go without me i be there soon!" and so weiss blake and yang leave as i would get myself dressed panicking i had a horrible sleep well to put it bland i could not sleep after i went to the movies with jack cause off fear i grabbed onto him without even realising how odd it must have been and after that i had trouble sleeping cause i had to think off that moment being so close to his body feeling his abs a bit it was so emberrasing

i would finnaly be in my school uniform and head for class running with some bread in my mouth as i hope yang would never figure out what i did she would not let me hear the end off it which would tottaly be emberrasing i would arrive in professor ooblecks class and like usual he would talk very fast but i would get a text on my scroll that says "here is what oobleck is saying" as i see the entire talk off oobleck it was from jack it seems he was listening in on the lesson i got another text from him saying "i know it can be hard to understand him within a year and year 2 stuff is even harder but just helping you this once to return the favor off the ice cream and movie"

i would smile a bit and now manage to sucessfully follow the lesson despite being a bit sleepy after that we had some free period as mail would be delivered to everybody their dorm as yang would hand out the mail for everybody and says "hey this is from dad" she opens and zwei pops out and jumps around before tackeling me as yang would read a letter outloud "thought you 2 would get home sick so have zwei with you" weiss would say "we can't keeps pets in our dorm..." i would respond with "come on zwei is a good boy he does not harm a fly..." 

after a bit off begging weiss gives in but blake was acting strange but zwei would bark as i would say "how about we go for a walk in the city being inside there probaly must been hard for you unable to do your bathroom needs" i would whisper into zwei his ears "i tottaly get you yang spends way too much time in the bathroom" we could hear laughter as kyle would pop out off the shadows i decided to not get into this drama or whatever it is and decide to walk zwei in the city cause i didn't wanna fight grimm while being slightly sleep deprived i would eventualy lose zwei

as i had dozed off a little and i start running around shouting "Zwei where are you!?" i then spot him receiving headpats from a girl in a white gray dress with green accents and orange hair as i would sigh in relief as the girl says "Salutations is this dog yours?" i would nod and respond with "yeah his name is zwei and im ruby rose im so happy you got him to stay in place" the girl would say "but what if i took him you don't even know my intentions?" i would respond with "you might be a stranger but strangers are friends you haven't met yet!" as her eyes would sparkle

she hands me zwei back and say "so we are friends?" i would nod and say "yeah" the girl would respond with "well ruby you may call me penny" i would nod and say "wanna walk zwei a bit more with me penny?" she nods as me and her walk around and chat a bit  seems like penny was from atlas academy and was here for the vytal festival we spot some boy with yellow hair and a tail causing trouble coming off a ship but we decide to ignore it penny would then push me into a alleyway and says "sorry friend ruby i gotta go i can't be seen with anybody" 

she pushes me and zwei into a container and i hear 2 other voices talk to penny before i hear them leave i would then come out and decided to head back to beacon and continue  school until the day we get to pick or mission

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