This Is The End...

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Jack Pov

i would have been walking for days i lost count off them eating the food and drinking the water i stole from that bar which i was now running low on but luckily i found a adobanded village with a house that was open i decide to make this simple my house for now and so i started to clean up the place  letting alpha and omega rest i spot there was a basement door that was locked  i did not want to bother removing the lock yet i remember there was a well in the town so now i probaly had a water source i would sneeze "ugh it's cold then again i been walking without a shirt for ages.."

i would decide to go outside going to chop some wood but there were only rusted axes so i decide to use my fist and legs knocking down trees causing my fist and legs to get quite a beating so i decided to switch it up using my whole body head  shoulders knees and running straight into it chest first as i eventualy knock down enough trees i break off some branches breathing heavy and then i go inside to start a fire heating up "ah much better..."alpha and omega would come closer as i say "i geuss you grimms are not much drifent from the actual animals you all look like i wonder if ursas have the need to hibernate..."

once i was warmed up i would look out the window and say to myself "hmm there might be some animals out here i can hunt and then eat ugh im gonna need to risk it i don't know how far the next town is and all i have left on me are dust crystal's i can sell or trade for food tch i geuss hunting it is" i would head outside and well start hunting i spot some dears and rabbits as i would use pebbles or actual rocks to heat both in the head killing them and i drag them back and start cleaning a knife to get the rust off it and i start to skin the deer and rabbits getting its meat

i would then check the cabinets and shout "YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME THERE WAS CANNED FOOD HERE!?" i sigh and simple save the cann food for later as i would grab some sticks and put a rabbit on it and stick it into the fire to cook it ofcourse i would rotate it until it's cooked and i would eat it i simple have alpha and omega share a rabbit as for the remaining meat i simple put it somewhere outside so that the cold could freeze it so it slows down the expiration date i simple would go lay on the couch and try to get some sleep but once it was deep in the night

i would wake up hearing strange noises i would get up and follow the sound off the noises i made a torch using some random sticks and bits off the rabbit fur as i hear the noises coming from the well "whatever is down there is very unpleasant...." i would shrug it off and go back to sleep on the couch and so i spent my time here for a well hearing the sounds every night i decided to train by doing push-ups and sit-ups mostly so that i could break down trees faster and break it all into small parts ofcourse this was painfull for my fist and the rest off my body

but eventualy i got used to it i kept hearing the strange noises at night but i started to hear them more often even during the day sometimes eventualy i got enough from it and decided to check it out i have alpha and omega help me crack open the basement door and i walk down into the basement and there was a  tunnel system which i simple go explore until i would find the source off the voices i eventualy spot a grimm as i sigh and simple charge at it and swing my fist into its face straight into the ground and start beating down on it "and that is done piece of cake...."

i then hear more and see a whole horde "great there are more off you no problem i will deal with you all"

i would rush at them as one would screech then another and another as i would slow down holding my head "ugh what is going on

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i would rush at them as one would screech then another and another as i would slow down holding my head "ugh what is going on...why do i feel so exhausted..." i would then be smacked backwards i grunt as i would try to get up but can't find the strenght to do so "w-what is going on are they sucking my strenght t-tch..." i would roll onto my stomach and then slowly get up and try to get away but i barely make it far as the one i knocked down earlier grabbed my leg making me fall as i see a skeleton with a weapon "a huntsman  or huntress.."

i try and kick the guy off but i felt getting weaker and weaker eventualy the others catch up and start to seround me as i try to reach for my freedom but i feel everything fading

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