Set Sail

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Jaune Pov

after finnaly getting rid off cardin thanks to kyle things looked up classes were going fine i was having fun with my teammates and team rwby but then one day during fighting class as i was gonna watch the first team fight it was interupted as a voice said "jaune arc you are coming with me" miss goodwitch would respond with "you are interupting class mister arcadia" it was jack he responds with "sorry glynda but my father needs his assistance right now alone..." and miss goodwitch did not look happy but she lets me go with jack as it was still suprising his father was professor ozpin

as jack would say "you probaly know about my father and think i don't belong here to put it simple i don't care for people there opinion" i would say "no i think you deserve to be here i didn't believe i belonged here until professor ozpin told me i did" jack would respond with "don't trust his words they have a twist to them why else you think he let kyle stay despite not having a extra 3 students to form another team to put it simple somebody recomended him and my father probaly saw something intresting in him but honestly i don't care same goes for you if he is letting you stay despite faking your way in it means he sees something" 

i thought jack was quite impressive and friendly but he can really be scary and serious i then suddenly realise we were leaving school grounds as i would ask "uh where are we going jack?" he would respond with "forever fall forest normally you are supposed to collect samples off the trees which can attract ursa grimm but you have something else to do now call over your locker" not wanting to get a fist to my face cause that is probaly coming thanks to kyle his trainings i got a bit sharper on the situations ontop off my physical strenght i would call my locker as it lands and i grab my sword and shield

"so am i fighting you jack if this is about testing if i belong here i won't dissapoint you" jack would jump into a tree and sit on a branch saying "you are not fighting me but him" he would point to my right as i turn my head and to my shock i spot cardin standing there "w-what are you doing here cardin are you not expelled!" he would respond with "i am but this guy over here tracked me down and said if i beat you in a fight he will talk to his dad and undo my expulsion" i would look at jack and say "why would you do that he doesn't bully just me but velvet also don't you care about her?"

jack would respond with "i do but if he does i will just beat him myself besides this is your test jaune if you can't even beat cardin after training with somebody you are too slow off a learner and beacon academy does not have time for you i was 10 when i started learning stuff i had to put everything in my head at such young age and remember it cause kids kept talking about a 10 year old being around school grounds sometimes i only had my room and books to keep me company ugh im talking too much sorry just tried to motivate you ignore that my childhood is none off your business besides who says i was telling the truth with that"

 i would just say "so what is the point off this exactly jack?"  he would respond with "if you have problems deal with them yourself...kyle is looking out for you too much if you don't face your own fears then everything will crumble once the person who was helping you is gone then what will you do if you can't face cardin yourself then i doubt you can face grimm once kyle makes stuff up with yang she is gonna take up most off his team which leaves you alone regardless the rules are like most battles but you gotta shatter each others aura oh and cardin can do whatever he likes he probaly already called his teammates to sneak attack you from a distance or to attack me so he can pummle you to death for revrenge you are at a disadvantage jaune" 

i could see cardins teammates or ex teammates walk around me cardin in my front then one on my left right and behind me as jack would say "we all know you tried asking out weiss if you want to also succeed in that then you gotta intrest her so unless you can be the knight your ancestors were she will not be intrested win and i will help you with weiss lose and you leave beacon..." i would hold out my sword and shield breathing in and out "i accept these terms i will win and proof myself" if jack was right ozpin sees something in me and thinks i belong here but

his son had a drifent opinion regardless i did not wanna leave behind all the sweat and tears i put into my training with kyle or my friends i had to win this even if it was a 4 against 1 i had my shield to block attacks and my sword to clash i mumble "just gotta hit them hard and fast and take them down one by one...i could use the area to my seroundings jack never said we can't use grimm but if hes testing me then...." i would look at cardin and say "i'm going to win cardin and after that i can leave my horrible first year behind and start my second year clean!"

carding and his team would charge me all at drifent speed mostly cause off there weapons cardins was bigger but i also recall during miss goodwitch her class body types matter i was quite tall but and had put on some more bulk which made me slower compared to somebody like ruby who is short and fast and pyrha is more agile so is ren while kyle and cardin are slower on the otherhand cause more muscle i decide to turn and run towards the one that aproached me the fastest holding up my shield but in a way where i can peak a bit i would see him go to my left

cause i have my sword in my right hand as he would  attack me from the left but i duck and so a quick spin slamming my sword into the guys leg making him hit the ground i would  hear cardin shout to one off his ex teammates to shoot me i quickly look at the other 2 and see 1 raise there weapon going to fire at me i charge forward purposely stomping with all my strenght on the guy i floored holding up my sword blocking the shots from high to low i wanted to be very carefull about my aura but it was impossible to block all shots and i was still being aproached from the side

i decide to jump for ward and up a bit forcing the shooter to duck and i knee him straight in the jaw before lifting up my left arm and slamming it down into his neck shattering his aura "that is 1" i would block the attack on my right from the guys axe being pushed back a bit cause i was still mid air but i use my new strenght to hold my ground as cardin was getting closer i decide to do a backhand throw with my shield to cardin who smacks it out off the way as i meanwhile gut punched the guy infront off me making him back up and drop his weapon but i quickly grab him

and toss him towards cardin who smacks him out off the way being fueled by anger or was it cause the oppertunity to get back into beacon regardless this broke the guys aura "that is 2" as cardin had finnaly reached me and swings down his weapon i would side step making him hit his ex teammate who now was bleeding i would punch cardin in the face after throwing up my sword giving him a right hook making him stumble back a bit i hold out my hand to catch my sword but it hits me on the head as i hold my head with my right hand before grabbing my ssword with my left

"i gotta work on that..." cardin would run at me and swing his weapon again but i would clash with him and deflect him before running past him i had not forgotten about the other guy who i saw coming my way he probaly intended to jump over cardin and hit me so i would throw my sword after doing a spin the guy would block and i would then uppercut him hard shattering his aura as i grab my sword again as i hear carding shout "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCCCCCCC!"

i would start clashing with cardin again but i hold my sword in such posistion where i have his weapon slide off mine before i would spot him getting exhausted i would swing my sword up and down his chest making a x shaped marked before i would thrust the tip off my sword to his stomach shattering his aura "and that is your whole team cardin..." i would breathe a bit out off breathe as i would turn and say "how was that ja-" i saw he was gone i was not sure why he did this was it to help me or for a drifent reason regardless i was not sure if i could tell anybody but that is a decision for another time

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