Enter The Nightmare

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Jack Pov

it has been a few days and some students were arriving earlier then expected one off them was sun wukong a monkey faunus after i showed him around and talked a bit with him he seemed nice ofcourse after chatting with him and showing him the place he will be staying at with his team we went our ways i obviously went to father to check on sun his semblance which seemed to be clones as i had left sun was a intresting fellow somebody who can make clones out off his aura and use a nun-chucks that can shoot bullets and become a bow staff as a smirk appears on my face "what a shame i can't fight this year he would be a intresting fellow to face"

i would then suddenly see ruby come infront off me and ask "hey jack have you seen yang she been gone for a few days" i respond with "no but if she is missing i will go search for her right now ruby don't try and cause a scene and do not talk loudly the walls have ears.... now act normal and just say yang has gone somewhere to do a favor for me" she nods and leaves as i start my investigation acting none chalant to throw kyle off if he was spying on me i did not want to get him involved at all especialy since he already told yang about her mother raising him

i could not tell if she was hiding her anger or actualy was fine with it but regardless kyle could just make it worse and honestly i did not need his help was i jealous did i hate him who knows but i just know i could not trust anybody aside from velvet and maybe ruby she  genuinely seemed kind and cared for me that was the first time somebody off my age treated me like that i was pretty lonely and had to get along with the older kids i did not hate team coffee as i like to call them but i felt like they were just friendly cause they know me since i was 14 so it might be pity

or whatever the word for it is but with ruby it feels a bit more genuine like she actualy wants to be my friend i just had to see for myself i would explore all off the school even use small secrets i had found on my own like moving a certain roof tile to crawl in between stuff ofcourse i put it back to cover my tracks but nothing here either i continue exploring before i stumble onto something i had no seen before "that has never been there..." i would aproach it to any other guy it would seem like im just staring at a wall but that wall has never been there before i have wandered around whole beacon academy for 5 years and that wall as new

i decide to push against it and knock i could hear a sound on the other side meaning there was something behind it but how could i enter it without others noticing it especialy my dad and the other teachers i would suddenly feel something grab my hand as i would be pulled trough the wall into a room saying "what the hell is going on where am i who grabbed me?" i would see this strange woman who says "i am shion zaiden but you may call the nightmare hunter" i respond with "nightmare hunter explain please..." she would step aside and show a grimm that was attached to yang

i would slowly piece it together and say "so i assume this is called a nightmare grimm that works with nightmares?" the nightmare hunter would explain "sort off to put it simple they feed off their aura fear and worries" i would ask "and how do i save her?" the hunter responds with "by entering the nightmare realm which i can help you with" i would respond with "sure but bring me back in 6 hours i can miss 1 night off sleep but if i stay gone for too long they might get suspicious" she nods and simple lets me enter yangs nightmare realm

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