The Flame

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Jack Pov

i would have busted through the wall looking at the situation i see ozpins cane in the hand of a child as i would charge forward and punch hazel in the face launching him away i would glare behind me and say "i'm not letting you drag another child into this"

i would have busted through the wall looking at the situation i see ozpins cane in the hand of a child as i would charge forward and punch hazel in the face launching him away i would glare behind me and say "i'm not letting you drag another child...

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hazel got up and said "tch so you the guy mercury was talking about" i respond with "yeah and this time im stronger then ever" i could hear the boy saying "how did you learn to use your magic jack..." i respond with "none of your business ozpin im here for the innocent boy you dragged into this" hazel says "so if you know ozpin is a horrible person why protect him!" i would have flames burst from my hands and say "i don't care about what you do with him but until he leaves this childs body he is my problem!"

" i respond with "none of your business ozpin im here for the innocent boy you dragged into this" hazel says "so if you know ozpin is a horrible person why protect him!" i would have flames burst from my hands and say "i don't care about what you ...

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i would think back to that day..

i would been serounded and swallowed by some grimm as i would weakly breathe my concious fading everything turned dark"d-dam it i can't die here..." i would hear a voice saying "you really gonna die like this and here i thought you were special..." i would open my eyes and see somebody standing infront of me or well floating "who are you?" he responds with "that doesn't matter what matters is you awakening The Flame" i groan "ugh why always with such fade names what even is the flame!" the person responds with "it is your power how you call it forth is up to you but if you can't call it then you will die..."

i groan as the guy disapeared and now it was just me in a empty void "the flame he is referring to fire hmm.. i do recall my hands sometimes getting hot when im fighting somebody especialy agaist mercury maybe if i channel all my inner anger then... but i would probaly lose control..screw it if i don't do it now ima die" i would simple take small breathes and start focusing on what truthly made me angry ozpin kyle how i was treated by most people i would then start heating up my heart becoming warm "i am the wood to my flame fire is my blood my whole life was just a bunch of lies!" 

fire starts erupting from my body burning the grimm making them back away from me as the grimm started burning instead of coming at me they tried running as everything around me starts burning as i start walking upwards into the house again which started burning i then hear a voice

fire starts erupting from my body burning the grimm making them back away from me as the grimm started burning instead of coming at me they tried running as everything around me starts burning as i start walking upwards into the house again which ...

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"you should calm down young boy don't want you to attract more grimm here calm down think about your friends you could hurt them like this..." i would breathe in and out continue walking towards her thinking of sun ruby and neptune did i really care about what others think about it the small woman would ready her weapon at me but i just smirk and look at her

"i'm fine miss i did not go all out yet i'm not going to burn my pet to dust and ash oh and i would have nothing to wear if i did burn the rest of my clothes" i was half naked now i was suprised my scarf did not burn the woman would hit me with he...

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"i'm fine miss i did not go all out yet i'm not going to burn my pet to dust and ash oh and i would have nothing to wear if i did burn the rest of my clothes" i was half naked now i was suprised my scarf did not burn the woman would hit me with her cane i groan and hold my head as alpha and omega crawl up my leg and wrap themself around my neck again "WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE FUCKING CANES!" i rub my head before looking at the woman "uh who are you anyway..." the woman responds with "i am maria the grimm reaper but that does not matter your friends need you..."

i would check my body and pulse "i'm still alive so what is the grimm reaper doing here and they need me tch like they care about me..." maria hits me with her cane again as i groan "CAN YOU FUCK OF WITH THAT!" she would look at me and poke me with her cane "if they did not care for you then you would not have ran away after the destruction of beacon.." i remain silent as maria says "i know you can't trust people but you gotta open your heart otherwhise you always be stuck in the past and unable to use your full power fighting to protect something makes you stronger then fighting for youself..." 

i would sigh and mumble "how long do i have..." maria responds with "a month and you  have to go to mistral haven academy specifically" i start walking away not saying a word

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